Leo Horoscope for April 2024

Leo Horoscope for April 2024

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting, perhaps fascinating, month for you, Leo, when issues of intimacy and personal evolution beckon, and when, by adopting flexibility as your mantra, you can make great strides on achieving a bigger picture viewpoint of your developmental situation. The New Moon eclipse of April 8th takes place in your sector of education, travel, and higher mind activities, and additionally includes an introspective viewpoint on where you stand, both philosophically and in practical terms. Your inner world is extremely active now. The factor of Mercury this month moving retrograde through this same sector complicates the situation, implying the potential for travel or educational plans going sideways, and, as well, that you will likely be second-guessing yourself in matters of belief and worldview. With respect to career and outer world statement, a plethora of choices is simultaneously being presented to you, and will in this context require great discernment and double-checking to be verified as constructive pathways moving forward. There is an emphasis perhaps on taking the safer and more conservative approach to avert potential risks, and there is the consideration also that you might need to venture out into the unknown in order to derive your greatest benefit, as you are being called upon to determine.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent Pisces New Moon from the previous month brought fresh momentum in your intimate and business partnerships that will continue to unfold into the first week of April. Your career choices too are amplified, and perhaps represent departures from previous norms. What is highlighted as well are the intuitional and rather non-logical information downloads from your higher self as you re-order your outer world statement.

April also begins with Mercury stationing retrograde in Aries from the very beginning of the month For you, most of the action this month takes place in the part of your chart that relates to education, travel, philosophy and mind-expansion which may allow you to discover previously unknown doors that open onto a world of new possibilities. You could experience wanderlust but what binds you to others could also be felt strongly, complicating your aims and objectives for the year ahead.

Mars, Venus and Saturn transiting in Pisces as the month begins emphasizes a desire to share with others and be supported in return. There could be a connection between your partnerships and your ability to succeed even though April contains a lot of Aries influence which urges everyone towards individuation and personal desires.

On April 2nd and 3rd, Venus conjoins Neptune in Pisces, emphasizing compassion, empathy and the love you share with your close ones. It may be hard to remain single-minded. However, Venus’s entry into Aries on the 4th will start to energize your sign by trine aspect and emphasize your personal philosophy and your need for open-minded adventure in the coming weeks.

On April 8th, the solar eclipse in Aries – which represents an extra-powerful New Moon – takes place while the eclipse Sun and Moon are precisely conjoined to Chiron fresh starts in higher mind activities, to include travel and educational plans, and additionally emphasizing thematic events around wounding and healing. With Mercury in retrograde, in this same sign of Aries, there are implications for reviewing and revising existing plans and avoiding making entirely new ones, at least as much as possible. There could be new wrinkles on existing plans that might emerge. You could also be compelled to pursue a therapeutic metaphorical journey promoting the healing of ancient personal wounds via travel, education or spirituality. There could be surprises, and surprising transformations. Mars in Pisces rules over the Aries eclipse while forming a tight conjunction with Saturn, potentially highlighting contractual agreements and responsibilities that you have with others that may need to be sorted out before you can move on with your goals.

On April 11th, Mercury, still moving backward, meets the Sun in Aries forming an inferior conjunction. The heart of this conjunction, at right around noon PT, is also known as a ‘’Cazimi’’ when Mercury is said to sit on the royal throne. This aspect is often compared to a moment of illumination when things that are muddled can come into focus or get purified by the light of the Sun. If you’ve had to deal with delays or mixed-messages this past month a prayer could be answered or you could receive unsuspected good news however you may still have to wait until the month of May to fully grasp everything that is implied. The retrograde period continues until the 25th and the post-retrograde shadow until May 13th which is when Mercury completely returns to normal.

Things could accelerate rather quickly mid-month, especially by the 19th, when the Sun enters Taurus where it will emphasize your vocational trajectories. Although the sign of Taurus is often associated with slow and steady influences, from April 17th to the 23rd, exact on the 20th, Jupiter meeting Uranus in Taurus could supercharge a pathway that is already in the works. Brilliant ideas, new development and opportunities that seemingly appear out of nowhere, and surprise events of a positive nature are more than possible. It will be especially important to keep an open mind about your pathway forward at this time.

On April 23rd, the Full Moon takes place in Scorpio, a sign related to yours that is known for its profound and cathartic inclinations. Scorpio also corresponds to your home sector, which brings family dynamics and your seep psychological roots into play. This could illuminate the fragility of certain foundations or, on the other hand, bring important confirmations about what you need at this time in order to feel grounded. Inner stability may be elusive yet, and still you may be able to gain your footing by focusing on your deep goals and true ambitions beyond what the marketplace has to say. These inner mandates are propelling you towards new horizons. This could be exaggerated by the fact that the Full Moon is also receiving a square from Pluto, now in Aquarius, which may highlight in rather dramatic ways those situations that no longer work for you.

Mercury stations direct in Aries on the 25th which has the potential of drying up what had become overly soggy and give you the fuel required to believe in your current direction, yet,
the last week of April is colored by Mars forming a conjunction with elusive Neptune which could bring a rather subdued yet powerful undercurrent depending on how this influence is handled. You could be imbued with a feeling that anything is possible with a strong sense of faith in your future and while this is an ingredient needed to succeed, it may be important to balance wishful thinking with a solid dose of pragmatism at the risk of feeling disillusioned by any setbacks down the road.

Venus enters Taurus on the 29th and Mars leaves the spiritual waters of Pisces on April 30th for the fiery terrain of Aries which means you’ll have to put some actions behind your words in the coming weeks and get ready to make some moves.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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