Capricorn Horoscope for July 2016

Capricorn Horoscope for July 2016

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month that takes you out of your customary comfort zone, Capricorn, in that you are most especially concerned with deep emotional realities residing in the hidden heart of your very being. The theme of interpersonal interaction is also prominent in the astrological picture for July, including, by means of various indications, how this current relationship emphasis reflects back to the story of your own shift in values. Major transformation continues for you, in part as reaction to the input from important partners. The massive challenges of the past several years are coming to a head in this year of vital change, as you begin to see yourself more clearly. Mystical actualities threaten to overtake your thought process so that the only way through might be to join up rather than to defend, and to seek compromise rather than smashing away detractors.

As the month begins, with the Moon in Mercury's sign of Gemini, and with Mercury newly entered into your seventh sector of interpersonal commitment, you are seeing new perspectives of partnership and its presence and importance in your life. This is related to your becoming more aware, over a long period of self-redefinition, of fundamental changes that you need to make; and these are pointed to in your personal astrology by the active presence of Pluto in your sign, symbolizing the death and rebirth of some important part of your self-concept. It is tempting to resist the changes that highlighted Pluto represents but this only postpones the inevitable action, which actually magnifies with resistance. A strong presence, as well, of expansive Jupiter signals that the time for better understanding has perhaps arrived, so that at least a try in this direction could now be indicated.

The placement of your ruler, Saturn, in your twelfth sector of unconscious process and inner work, together with Saturn's current close square with numinous Neptune, is also quite telling. Both of these symbolize you coming into closer touch with what is going on for you beneath the covers, so to speak, of your more conscious personality. Beside the more obviously evident Saturn square with Neptune, there is another powerful astrological factor that symbolizes working through what it is that you uniquely bring to the table, and beginning to act upon this knowledge. This is represented by a strong connection between the station direct of action-oriented Mars in close connection with Uranus and the new planet, Eris. These latter two remain in close conjunction for the rest of the year, in your sector of home, family, and your psychological roots. There are indeed vast seas within you filled with life of a very different kind than those of the worlds that you are used to inhabiting. These quite different unconscious contents may have a compensatory role to play, that is to say, may house the contrary impulses to your waking thoughts, so that to admit their dark and unknown content could be a road to greater wholeness and happiness, the process that noted 20th Century master psychologist Carl Jung referred to as the process of "individuation." This is in some sense as simple as discovering further facets of who you actually are, taken in toto.

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