A First Quarter Moon of Creativity and Connection

A First Quarter Moon of Creativity and Connection

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Tuesday afternoon's First Quarter Moon, taking place later in the evening for Europe and points further east, represents a surprising and dynamic configuration, in keeping with all of the powerful lunations that we have recently seen, the most recent featuring the highlighted presence of trickster Uranus. A sense of the inherent limitations built into our approach is also signaled in these current skies by a strongly aspected Saturn, in close sesquiquadrate aspect to Uranus. The nature of this lunar phase is in any case to bring to greater emotional and logical awareness whatever obstacles might arise that threaten to stifle the optimistic and forward-going impulse of the New Moon. We encountered in the recent Libra New Moon an intense emphasis on Uranus, with Sun and Moon in near-exact opposition to this important planet. Now, in this week's opening square between the luminaries, we find Uranus — symbolizing sudden vision and unexpected change — still very much the active ingredient. In astrological terms this is reflected by a close parallel aspect between Uranus and a dramatic triple conjunction of Venus, Jupiter and Mars, all three in even closer parallel with each other, tightening the weave of their mutual combined energy. Uranus is further emphasized at this timing by his conjunction with the new planet, Eris, and a rather wide T-square to their Aries midpoint from the Sun and Moon.

Venus and Mars are in relatively close conjunction in mid-Virgo, still, within a mere 5 degrees of Zodiacal longitude, and this connotes several things, for one the interplay of masculine and feminine energies that enhance relationship, whether between the same or opposite sexes. For another, as Jung discovered, these alchemical motifs represent the balance of contrasting styles of approach and activity that prove to be emblematic of complementary forces within the psyche. We are, this second half of the month, involved in a time of relationship exploration, together with attempts to arrive at a better understanding of ourselves, and our partnership dynamic. Then, too, there is the potential for the over-active expression of each of these fundamental sides of our humanity, being amplified by Jupiter currently located directly between them. We could be tempted to overdo during this coming week, or else to find ourselves overcome and carried away by the splendor of our earthly surroundings, so fragile now, and so powerfully beautiful.

To find these three planets so closely tied to each other by conjunction and by parallel, and as well in close connection to Uranus, by virtue of the close parallel between all four, is quite exciting. Surprising events could arise to fundamentally alter our relationship perceptions. This is especially so in this crucial juncture and turning point for the first half of a lunar cycle already characterized by the intensity of vision represented by Uranus. This powerful outer planet archetype represents truly revolutionary energy, a glimpse of the architecture of the cosmos, as astrologer Susan Heinz is fond of saying. Seminal 20th Century astrologer Jeffrey Wolf Green called Uranus "freedom from the known," thus ably summarizing the archetype's departure from the straight and narrow path of the conformist. We win this month to the extent that we can think outside the box, and this applies to our social dilemma, as well, plus whatever we have going on at the level of personal and relationship concerns.

And what of Jupiter and Uranus? Whenever these two archetypes get together over the span of history we find a glorious episode of invention, scientific progress, and new discoveries of all varieties coming to the fore, as astrologer Richard Tarnas has shown in his classic work, Cosmos and Psyche. While there are undoubtedly obstacles that we must encounter in the timing of this difficult juncture, there is also the creativity and inventiveness to get around them.

The Sabian Symbols for this First Quarter Moon are, as usual, quite instructive. They are, for the Sun in the 28th degree of Libra, "A man in the midst of brightening influences," which perfectly describes the strong Jupiter-Uranus parallel of this quarter moon configuration, converging with Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Eris. Marc Edmund Jones refers to "a complete spiritual fellowship with humankind," and goes on to state, "implicit in the intangible symbolization is an encouragement on which any individual may count, knowing that his or her unflagging courage in pressing forward, on [the] pilgrimage from darkness to light, is the best of all possible guarantees of achievement." For the Moon, in the same degree of Capricorn, we find, "A large aviary," and this Jones relates to the unending variety of life, another Uranian theme. He goes on to reference the "common welfare," and the "wide spread of aspiration [that] is encompassed in the over-all realization by which [mankind] is organized... everyday problems have their solution in this breadth of resources." Indeed we are all unique individuals, with vastly different beliefs and goals, and yet we must somehow be able to find a way to come together in commonality of philosophical purpose for participation in the important project of saving our civilization. The need as great; and, as well, the time is short to be taking well-considered action, thus fostering the spiritual growth implicit in our own development, and in that of our earthly environment that surrounds us and sustains us.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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