Taurus Horoscope for August 2016

Taurus Horoscope for August 2016

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an important time of finding yourself, Taurus, and in your own unique way. Your serious purpose extends to family and to the significant relationships in your life. You are seeking a compassionate road that will take you through in practical as well as soul-oriented ways. The dynamics of your family of origin continue to drive your process, while current relationships at all levels provide additional impetus for change. Epiphanies continue to flow to you from somewhere deep inside, and these have more to do with your finding your most appropriate pathway forward than the more studied determinations of rational mental analysis. You are transforming in your self-concept, and consequently in the way that you show up for others around you, so that by the time that the summer season ends you will barely recognize your former self.

As the month begins, you are very aware of interpersonal modalities. Your growing understanding around this major area of life must involve depth researches that you are conducting, deep within your psyche, rather than being merely sketched on the page of the more superficial layers. Intuitional information fills in the story, to the extent that you can remain open to it. You are perhaps looking to change the persistent outcomes of the past, and with the potent Leo New Moon of the second day of the month you are more greatly focused on seeing yourself through to a different conclusion. This indicates a shift in the cosmic weather patterns that affect you in these deeper layers, corresponding in the astrological symbolism to the Sun and Moon joining Venus, your ruler, in your sector of home and family. You do well to pay the closest possible attention to what your unconscious process is attempting to convey to you over this current month. You are in the midst of this process more greatly tuning in with the effect on your relationship connection from early childhood wounding. Your commitment to the intimacies of important partnership is paradoxically emphasized by the barriers that you internally raise. Far from being a negative factor, this supplies further food for thought as you gain ground in your understanding of yourself, and of your relationship dynamic in particular.

This month is particularly vital because presenting you with the symbolic influence of all four major outer planet archetypes, including the awakening influence of Uranus and Pluto, the transformer. This includes, most significantly, Saturn and Neptune in square with each other. Neptune inclines you toward a compassionate sense of oneness with current or potential partners, extending to all of earth's creatures, while Saturn symbolizes a tendency toward isolating. Both are highlighted for you over the course of this monthly cycle, and especially at mid-month, in the days leading up to the August 18th Full Moon eclipse. There is the distinct possibility of idealism going overboard and pulling back to more practical considerations, or attempting to balance feelings of cynicism with hopes for a brighter dawn. It is helpful to recognize this dynamic in action and to seek compromise, a balance between the alternatives of too much or too little caution being applied. In the best of all worlds, you can proceed carefully and yet fearlessly to invest in those emotionally based projects that stir you, and on the other hand temper idealistic illusions with constant reality checks.

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