Mercury in Retrograde: Jan 21 - Feb 11, 2015

Posted on January 22, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Today Mercury begins its infamous retrograde journey, stationing at the 18th degree of Aquarius, just a few hours after the New Moon in the same sign, and will continue moving backward until February 11th, followed by finally escaping its "retrograde shadow" only on March 4th. This Mercury Retrograde period, coinciding with the beginning of the lunar cycle in the same sign, creates antithetical energies, because we are largely called inward for deep reflection, yet simultaneously pulled forward and outward with big ideas. While for many people Mercury Retrograde comes as an unwelcome cosmic guest, beneath the surface layer of troublesome circumstance, as the Grateful Dead were always telling us, there are beautiful lessons just waiting to be discovered "in the strangest of places if you look at it right."

Aquarius brings elements of ingenuity, insightfulness, and in this configuration you may be getting a deeper glimpse into your own motivations, ambitions and goals, especially in connection with a greater context of community or society. You may also feel called to revisit things from the past, perhaps recalling things in a drastically different light. While you cannot change the events of the past, it is within your power to change your relationship with the past.

On a practical level, now is the time to remember to stop for nice deep breaths, and take good care of yourself. Mercury Retrograde is the perfect time for anything beginning with "re." Reflect, recollect, reorganize, recalibrate, remember, refine, and last but certainly not least, relax. These intense and transformative times are asking almost too much of each of us. Still, so much benefit can yet be found when we are gentle with ourselves and others.