Gemini Horoscope for May 2016

Posted on May 27, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another intense and vitally interesting month for you, Gemini, when cosmic forces are aligned to your ultimate advantage. During the early part of the month, while Mercury is still in recovery, you are more involved than ever with your own internal spaces. The universe is also urging you to increased responsibility regarding relationship issues and concerns, without however neglecting your own developmental arc. This includes the great joy you may perhaps be feeling in handling issues of home and family, as these contribute to your own discovery process of what is going on beneath the covers of your more obvious surface layers. Dreams continue to be important, and the messages that you receive are fundamental to your procss of forging a more all-inclusive concept of public statement. Outer responsibilities could come to be considered only a small part of a larger symphony of effects and results.

As the month begins, your future and your inner world are both on your mind, and these topics might even be connected, in the sense that what is going on for you on the inside gives you definite clues about where you might want to be heading in your life. You have been riding out the wave of the retrograde of your ruler, Mercury, spinning through your thwefth solar sector of unconscious process and inner work, and the meditative stance that you have adopted has given you plenty of food for thought. Significant information, emanating from angel guides or your own Higher Self, continues to guide your steps to the extent that you allow it in. You are in the midst of a sea of change, and even with the advantages of your logical mnd, you do well to take advantage of the opportunity to more greatly connect with this deep internal system of awareness that operates below the levelof your normal waking consciousness.

Your experience intensifies with the New Moon in your sign that comes along on the first weekend of the month. This is an amazing and powerful configuration, featuring a Grand Cross in your angular houses, and pulling you apart into the various areas of your life only to put you back together in a new way, in which each part is more universally aware of all the others. Partners could provide a quite useful mentor-like role, or else, being somewhat critical, serve as a foil to your own ideas of where your process is leading you. It is important to recognize that these cosmic reminders are essentially on your side, no matter what it might at times feel like.