Gemini Horoscope for July 2016

Posted on June 29, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of self-development for you, Gemini, following upon a month of renewed self-awareness. Your future plans have been a moving target lately and this has caused you to take more definite stock of your situation, producing either critical summAries or else in the extreme case, positivity bordering on fantasy. You are beginning this month to look for the middle ground of compromise between these positions. Partners provide mentoring and sage council to the extent that you can go along with their point of view; this could also devolve into criticism of your way of being in the world that you must play off against, thus serving as a foil for your own differing ambitions. You are getting set for progress of a new and different kind, a visionary exercise in compassionate expression to match your current high idealism regarding how to arrive at your most consistent public statement.

As the month begins, with the Moon newly entered into your sign, and with Mars out of retrograde now, and still making important aspects to Uranus and Eris in conjunction, you are feeling the shift in the astrological currents. This would be, for you, in the direction of greater freedom of expression and service to the community and as well to significant others in your life. This might even be the start of a new phase, as it was for the British last month regarding their EU membership, when they voted to Leave. No matter what you think of that decision, yours is similar: whether to stay on with a perhaps dysfunctional established course or to strike out for novel territory, more or les on your own. With Neptune also highlighted on your Midheaven, representing career choices, you are at a peak of idealism in this department, another sign of compassionate involvement with the society that surrounds you. On the other hand, cranky and limiting Saturn is also strong right now, in nearly perfect square aspect to Neptune, giving you the choice to remain in stasis or else to attempt practical compromise with the necessities of your situation.

There are changes and also celebrations in your relationship picture this month as well, because of aspects that Eris and Uranus in combination make to your relationship sector ruler, and also to that planet's trine with transformational Pluto located in your sector of intimacy and deep connection. There is a way that your stand for self-determination, against all odds, is in powerful combination with your relationship agenda at this time, and also a way that the changes in your approach there could be linked to the internal stand that you are taking for constructive freedom. This incidentally need not mean that you are ready to go your own way, just that your enhanced sense of self allows your intimacy goals to be received in a more positive light.