Aquarius Horoscope for July 2016

Posted on June 29, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of passionate intensity for you, Aquarius, especially in realms of growth and learning and for actually walking your talk. Although it may seem strange to imagine, you are more and more accepting of mystical realities that reside hidden inside you, as though merely an ordinary part of life on planet earth. There has always been a level of acceptance within you that has served you well. You have energy now for taking on a new mission of service to the greater collective that surrounds you. This also holds true for the recognition of important individuals in your life as deserving of your support, and this month receiving it. Outer world movement that has recently been suspended can be seen, now, as only waiting to be more firmly connected to the roots of all activity deep within you, before coming more fully alive.

As the month begins, you are very aware of the shift in your energy for growth and change that the recent station to direct motion of Mars has signified. Mars is the ruler of your career sector, and as it slowly begins to regain Zodiacal ground, is in profound connection with your chart ruler, Uranus, and the new planet, Eris, symbolizing conscious growth in a life-enhancing direction, whatever most closely aligns with your deepest soul intention. Because the ruler of the sector corresponding to your psychological roots is also involved in this month's cycles, opposite the transformative presence of Pluto in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, you are feeling your way into greater connection with what you hold hidden away on the inside of your psyche, those dimensions of unconscious process that were cataloged in the very beginning of the 20th Century by the investigations of Freud and Jung.

With the very potent New Moon of the first full week of the month, taking place on Monday, July 4th, you are settling into a very different reality than has occupied your mental space during these months of reflection, when Mars, and also, for a time, Mercury, were retrograding through key sectors of your solar chart. The astrological factors mentioned in the preceding paragraph are still active, presaging that the themes discussed will remain active also for this next thirty-day cycle. An additional factor that adds background would be the Saturn-Neptune square, closely aspected by this New Moon and therefore emphasized. These antithetical elements are both equally invoked: the natural restrictions and practical constraints for such growth in awareness and activity in support of it, versus the wild-eyed enthusiasm and idealism that is inclined to ignore such limitations.