Scorpio Horoscope for August 2016

Posted on July 27, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are in for an exciting and informative time, Scorpio. This month is all about breaking away from where you find yourself stuck, while somehow remaining firm on holding steady to your commitments, both business and personal. This is contradictory, but right in line with your accelerated coursework on embracing the paradox of your existence. Your business sense is good and well-grounded, and highlighted for you during this monthly cycle, and yet definitely not any kind of 'business as usual.' Feelings of idealism and compassion almost take you over in one instant, and then in the next you are unsure of where you are coming from and must pause to consider whether that attitude is truly practical. You are at your best when allowing the changes of the moment, while making a definite investment in your own center of personal power that is independent of other voices.

As the month begins, your ruler, Mars, is transitioning out of your sign, after spending the previous two months there, in retrograde and then in direct motion. This can be considered a cause for celebration of a sort and also signals a shift in your inner weather. You are, at some level, taking on a different set of fundamental tasks, abandoning recent convolutions of self-definition in favor of being involved with creating firmer psychic ground on which to stand. This could involve your finances, although perhaps only peripherally. The bigger issue is what the concept of material success itself ultimately means for you, as you grow in understanding.

The next day, the Leo New Moon brings fresh energy to all areas of your life, just as Mars enters Sagittarius and begins to flirt with his conjunction with Saturn around mid-month, which may bring your productivity to a relative standstill. In this New Moon configuration, the antithetical energies of Saturn in your sector of values and resources and, as well, Neptune in your sector of self-expression are greatly emphasized. You are feeling the push-pull of restriction versus idealism, or practicality versus illusion. It is easy to get caught up in polarity during this monthly cycle, so that the best course is to manage somehow to steer toward middle ground. Another way to put this is that while you are very invested in matters of concrete achievement, including career and your individual contributions, you must not forget to move ahead with compassion, and by giving the universe its due. Your Higher Self, or call this 'God' or 'Goddess,' is shaping you to its own ends, so that at times your little egoic self just has to get out of the way and let nature take her course.