The Troublesome Energy of the Scorpio Full Moon

Posted on April 23, 2013 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Thursday's Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon, the first of three eclipses over the next thirty days, unlocks the power of Saturn in combination with Mars and Neptune for a slow-motion roller coaster of a ride. The concentration and focus implied by Saturn, conjunct the eclipse Moon degree, is brought to bear in close opposition to the Sun and also Mars, within the context of the emotional depth and intensity of Scorpio, implying relationship stops and starts; while Neptune in Pisces colors this event as well by its almost exact sextile to the Sun/Mars midpoint at 5 degrees of Taurus. Saturn with Neptune is a problematic combination, since these planetary archetypes are entirely antithetical. The dreamy unreality of Neptune suffers in collision with hard-nosed and reality-oriented Saturnian limitation that has it that no illusion is worth the investment of energy. Looking at this collision of values from the standpoint of poor disrespected Saturn, his desire for order and for grounded realistic approaches instead comes to an uncertain pause, feet dangling in mid-air.

The Sun/Venus midpoint at the time of the eclipse also opposes Saturn, which is another way of saying that relationship is still very much in the picture as well, as it has been all month long. The Taurus-Scorpio axis of this Full Moon eclipse makes for another chime to the fundamental human factor of relationship connection. As we know from studies in anthropology, we homo sapiens must connect with others in order to become fully human, linguistically adept and able to ponder. In the course of our lives in the midst of modern culture as well, things seem to go much better when there are at least two. The presence of Saturn demonstrates that this is indeed a time to concentrate on the precious gift that others provide for us, and that we ourselves in turn provide for them. If there seems to be a stoppage to the flow of partnership energy at this time, it might be for purposes of more closely examining the important relationships that we have and deducing our own part in turning away from productive contact or, the reverse, in keeping connection alive.

Venus remains within orb of its recent trine to Pluto as well, the modern ruler of Scorpio and hence, of Saturn and the Moon in the eclipse configuration. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, resides at the midpoint of the trine. Pluto and Scorpio, and also Chiron, speak to the intensity of our depths, which twentieth century psychology showed us could be viewed as a seething cauldron of desires and impulses, possessing little or no contact with our conscious awareness. This unconscious underworld does tend to make itself known through the magical mirror provided by relationship.

There are now additional advantages, more than ever at this powerful juncture, for looking over the edge of our dark and largely hidden places. We might find pain and sorrow there, and understand the reasons for their hiding out. We might find a treasure of untapped joy also, when we can release our fears and take upon ourselves the courage to simply — and deeply — gaze within.