Sample Astro Map Interpretation


Venus Rising

Planets in specific areas of your Astro Map provide their energy vibration whether you visit or reside there. Venus provides graceful beauty, value and a heightened sense of aesthetics, and these attributes will color your experience in this place and the surrounding territory.

With Venus on the Ascendant, this place puts you in touch with the things in life that bring you pleasure and joy. A sense of wealth could accompany your footsteps while visiting this locale or you could experience a sharpened sense of financial acumen. Your artist self could easily become inspired here. You might also be drawn to the aesthetics of this particular culture and environment. You might desire to collect things, particularly beautiful things, which somehow come easily to you in this place. This location also has a tendency to inspire sensuality in you, and your desire to connect with others. You could find yourself falling into infatuations with people you encounter. You might benefit from bundling some humility and a sense of appreciation into your suitcase. It could be important that you develop a sustaining quality to your passions while you are here, and learn to pace yourself in the pursuit of your pleasures.
