Closeness and Freedom

Posted on May 15, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

As Venus orbits into tighter conjunction with Uranus this afternoon, the energy becomes stronger for their combined symbolism of startling partnership development and sudden epiphany. Over the course of these next two days, in regard to close personal interconnection you could encounter surprises and even a dose of powerful intuition that provides surprising enlightenment. Venus governs the material plane and relationships of all kinds, while Uranus represents the Trickster God of surprising twists and turns and as well the vision for profound realignment for the better that might ultimately be possible. Currently both of these planets appear in Aries, and this could add a fiery and intensely passionate drive for both freedom and connection, even though the twin goals of this aspect seem at first glance incommensurate with each other. Allowing any important relationship to breathe by alternating currents of closeness and pulling away, which therefore allows for some healthy distancing, might prove to be just the ticket.