Mars and Uranus Face Off - A Time of Intuition and Initiative

Posted on June 24, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

In the very early morning hours of Wednesday, we have a powerful and action-packed aspect becoming exact: Mars in diplomatic Libra opposite Uranus in fiery Aries. This aspect represents highly attuned intuitive abilities, plus finding and acting on unique perspectives as well as rash impulsiveness that could lead to unexpected results or even accidents. This aspect has an intensity and passion about it that could manifest or be channeled in a multitude of ways. This energy could show up as an amplified sense of vision and purpose, as well as a heightened ability to act from inner knowing. It could also appear as emotional insensitivity, flaring temper, or a nagging feeling of restlessness. You do well when you can harness this powerful – and volatile – energy by listening to your intuition and gut instinct in order to take strides toward a greater sense of purpose and vision. The late Steve Jobs put it quite aptly when he said: "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become."