A Neptunian Weekend

Posted on June 29, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This weekend Neptune, god of oceanic feelings of unity and dissolver of boundaries, currently passing through his own sign of Pisces, hits two exact aspects by being trine to the Sun in Cancer and square to Venus in Gemini. This watery and dreamy archetype adds a hazy and magical flavor to these last few days of the Mercury Retrograde period just now ending. In his watery guise as dissolver, his symbolism is indicative of a heightened appreciation for creativity and beauty, as well as fostering curiosity for exploring mystical depths. These configurations could potentially also bring up confusion regarding our interactions with others. While the draw to connect is magnetic, social and romantic endeavors could also be veiled by layers of illusion and idealism, perhaps flightiness or even issues of deception. We benefit by naming and appreciating the fleeting nature of each moment, and by specially by relinquishing attachment to future outcomes. As the recently departed and deeply intuitive Maya Angelou once put it: "We spend precious hours fearing the inevitable. It would be wise to use that time adoring our families, cherishing our friends and living our lives."