Aries Horoscope for July 2012

Posted on July 6, 2012 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This period remains a powerful time of transformation, Aries. You are caught up in the machinery of change and learning to ride the wave rather than be swept under it. Your career energy is still going strong, along with the recognition of massive shifts in that department of life that are in the air for you even more than before. Dramatic surprises and lightening-like identity morphs are your specialty as you also find unique ways to explore partnership with others. You might find that not everything can be completely spelled out, in spite of your apparent need for simplification. On a positive note, you could also find in the course of a pivotal month that confusion is an attitude that can surprisingly be dropped – almost at will.

As the month begins, you find yourself in the midst of a complex set of circumstances and emotions that presage further changes, even beyond what you have already seen unfolding in your life thus far. Relationship is an important component now, especially since your ruler Mars is just entering the sign of Libra, which represents your partnership sector. Meanwhile, Venus – ruler of Libra, and of relationships – has stationed in aspect to Pluto, implying that there are ways that you, and indeed everyone, could attempt to be more conscious of how you handle important relationships in your life and what you truly intend. This involves among other things discovering the delicate balance between allowing partners their due and forging forward on your own initiative. There are potential benefits to be gained from partnership connections at this time, which could impact concerns with career in general or with the transition that you are attempting in this important area. Your inner world is another important factor for you now. Connection to others around you is increasingly an integral part of what you do in the world and has taken on new wrinkles lately as you explore interior realms with the help of this important mirror. You are proceeding by way of cosmic epiphanies that come over you quite suddenly, triggered by events that might see difficult at first. As Grateful Dead lyricist Robert Hunter put it so many years ago, "Once in a while you can get shown the light/ In the strangest of places if you look at it right." In other words, take everything that happens to you as a secret blessing and try hard to discern what the universe, through the experience that you are having, is now asking of you.

With the Capricorn Full Moon of Tuesday, July 3rd, these characteristic issues for this time period could multiply, namely those of your workplace or the assertion of authority. Regarding outer world accomplishments, the most important thing for you to recognize is that there are major changes taking place in that area, and that the information that comes to you – either in the form of feedback or in terms of actual events – always serves to further. It might also be that issues of home and family crop up and have the same problematic and yet beneficial effect. You are delving deep within your psyche for important answers that you can arrive at in no other way. With the Last Quarter Moon of Tuesday, July 10th, you are seeing things a little differently than earlier in the lunation cycle, partly as a result of some deep introspection, and partly as a consequence of the experiences that have brought you to this point. You are in a process of meditation on where you have been and why, preparing for your next stage. This is especially true as Mercury Retrogrades through your sector of creative self-expression, beginning on Saturday, July 14th. This is a time period that lasts into late August when you take into account the two weeks required for Mercury to regain its lost Zodiacal ground, known as its retrograde shadow. With Mercury Retrograde, rather than being attuned to the world outside yourself, your inspiration is turned inward. When the New Moon comes along on the following week, taking place on Wednesday, July 18th, there is fresh energy for the pursuit of inner wisdom, although, again, not so much for outer world activity. Epiphanies abound, and surprises also, leading you inevitably to new realizations of where you ultimately need to put your efforts and your energy. The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, July 26th, is a testing time of trials that have the effect of confirming you in your resolve to stay the course, even in the face of adversity, and to experience to the fullest your evolutionary potential.