Capricorn Horoscope for July 2012

Posted on July 6, 2012 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an important time for you, Capricorn, and an unusual one as well. As your massive evolutionary transformation continues, you are struggling to reconcile two fundamentally antithetical notions of normative behavior versus the unique experience of your own inner world, a struggle involving not mind so much as heart. You feel as though skating on thin ice and yet you cannot any longer return to the illusory safety of a false point of view. Achievement in the eyes of the world is but one measure by which you may chart your success, and yet this other depends upon a thin reed of intuition stemming from deep inside. Partners are helpful in understanding these distinctions, as you continue to discover, but in the end it is all up to you.

As the month begins, you are with any luck at all going along with the flow of circumstance instead of trying to fight it. There are times when you just have to let go and this is one of them. There is no real use, as they say, in pushing the river. You are by now fully recognizing that you are in the midst of radical change – and on many different levels of your personality – and that as much as this kind of shift is a hardship it is also a gift. You are therefore coming to a newly energized presence in the world of career and prestige, with a spiritual component to your endeavors that is palpable. Unfortunately, to get the full benefit you must go the course, and this involves pain and loss in order for there to be forward movement. If you stop and think the choice becomes clear, since as the poet says, everybody not being born is busy dying. There is some fairy-dusted lively presence located at the very core of your being that urges you onward, that makes of you the spiritual warrior ready to engage the dragons of your inner world and do battle by exposing them to the light of your conscious understanding. At some point you recognize that the habitual knee-jerk-reaction choices that have gotten you here will always take you back to the same eventual outcome, and you are ready to try a different tune for a change. Since doing the same thing and expecting a different result sounds like the textbook definition of crazy, you win when you reverse the aphorism and come to a different choice for yourself, this time around.

With the Full Moon of Tuesday, July 3rd, in your sign, you are taking care of business regarding outer world concerns while reaching out to others around you in a very different way than ever before. This represents a radical crossroads where you can choose once again the path of least resistance or else be more real with what is happening to you these days, and ride the wave of your ongoing transformation. The rewards are great once you decide to go with your process rather than deny it, even though it might seem scary to do so. This also involves some movement regarding your relationship dynamic with important partners. There is a way that you can let them in while still maintaining your independent identity and that position is what you are striving for. At the time of the Last Quarter Moon of the following week, taking place on Tuesday, July 10th, you are thinking your way through to a better sense of self and of your evolutionary process also. This is a time of reviewing the way that you have reacted or performed with a view to making a difference next time around. When Mercury Retrogrades over the weekend, you adopt an even more introspective stance, looking inside yourself for the real answers. The New Moon of Wednesday, July 18th, represents a fresh start and a time when the rubber meets the road with changes that you know in your heart that you must make in accepting and integrating your inner world. In this you have the help and guidance of significant partners in your life. If you see the turn that you must now take and fail to go in that direction there will be other opportunities. The universe has your best interest at heart and will never let you down. If you are afraid, but you know what is on your roadmap, then take the turn anyway; you will be glad in the end that you did. The Mercury Retrograde period lasts well into August, and during that time it is unwise to push the river or to make any radical departures from what you already have had going on, but it is no time to stumble, either, in pursuit of the path that clearly lies before you.