Gemini Horoscope for May 2015

Posted on May 2, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Welcome to a merry and rather strange yet rewarding month, Gemini. You are finding new ways to tell yourself the story of your life, and this exercise brings others into the equation to function as sounding boards for your own imaginings and reinterpretations of events. Their voices can also serve to grant greater reality to what you are contemplating, even if they seem to question your basic assumptions. Your career is going great guns but with a complex series of riders to the basic spiritual contract that you have unwittingly undertaken; at every moment of decision you must choose the path with heart, only that path will do, and you must await the right rhythm to make your move. Your life right now resembles a dance with a relatively unknown partner who permits you to lead as long as you are also willing to follow.

As the month begins, you are feeling your oats, with your ruler, Mercury, newly entered into your sign. The ironic thing about its presence there is that later in the month, your ruler will change to retrograde motion in this same sector of your chart, connected with identity. This is not a terrible thing, and merely constitutes an additional opportunity to see yourself more clearly, reviewing many different facets of your personality. We blossom to the extent that we know and understand ourselves, and this month allows you a terrific opportunity to be able to do just that. Then, too, the ruler of your opposite sign, Jupiter, is highlighted in this month's astrology as well, indicating that, as a way of expanding your own awareness, you will also be taking into account the mirror represented by close relationship with important others in your life.

You may also be experiencing a greater access to the nebulous depths of your inner world, especially since Mercury is in close aspect with the mystical planetary archetype of Neptune. Right from the timing of the recent mid-April New Moon, you could feel prone to fantasy based thinking, or some degree of confusion or inability to become clear. On the other hand, you can utilize this tendency to idealize and to dream as a way of creating new visions for yourself, particularly in terms of finding new dimensions of your career or sense of inner purpose. You are in fact your own most creative project these days, continually crafting yourself into further beauty. You may wish to heed a small warning against pitfalls of self-illusion, getting swept away by fantasies, or taking action from a place that is not grounded in reality.

You could find yourself torn between wanting to reach out and connect with others, and tending to the pieces inside you that are yearning for your undivided attention and love. The urge to dig deep may indeed win out, as the process of transformation occurring in your intimate connections continues to unfold. With Mercury opposite Saturn at the timing of the May 3rd Full Moon, you may experience a distinct sense of isolation, and confinement. It might even be the case that you feel somehow trapped in your relationships, or perhaps it turns out to be your own thoughts, attitudes and beliefs that are building a cage around you. Where you feel most misunderstood and triggered, there is also opportunity. These could actually be the signposts pointing the way to finding your way into self-care, greater understanding and love.

In the quest for greater self-love and self-acceptance, you may wish to peer into your story of origin — what formative experiences shaped who you are' Are there pieces of yourself you have hidden or wished away, that are now needing to come back into the light of your consciousness' Sometimes what we encounter when we look back is painful, yet you may find yourself far better equipped to deal with those uncomfortable emotions, now. New expanded perspectives, and self-love can be the key to bringing greater balance into your personhood, and as you integrate new ways of seeing yourself, you will likely feel this ripple out into your most cherished and intimate relationships also.