Cancer Horoscope for May 2015

Posted on May 2, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is yet another mystically productive month, Cancer, bringing to you a period of advancement of an entirely different kind than anything that might be ordinarily construed as progress. Your values are showing up front and center as the most important focus in a world of change. Your relationship dynamic with particular partners continues to morph and grow, slipping into new molds that defy attempts at categorization. You are changed in a positive way only to the extent that you can remain open to possibility. The co-creation that is implied is more valuable than any financial impact from rapidly evolving job situations. You have unbounded optimism for real change that is entirely beneficial, and you succeed in this, in subtle ways of learning and unlearning that have little about them of anything absolute and concrete that you can really hold onto.

As the month begins, you are feeling called to inner matters. The Full Moon of Sunday evening, May 3rd speaks to you of cosmic patternings corresponding to how you put yourself out there into connection with the world around you, depending on what is privately and deeply held within. You are being pulled to more serious contemplation of your own unconscious process as you weigh in with what you have to offer and examine more fully the more profound places within you. This is a monthly cycle that is involved with becoming more familiar with yourself at these deeper levels. You are living somewhat of a paradox; being simultaneously pulled to manifestations of both public and private concern, a blend of inner and outer.

You may continue to experience much shifting and growth with your mate or potentiality for partnership, and this month you might also discover a link from this realm to your ambitions and drive in a larger social context. Both of these areas boil down to the way in which you relate to others, and the current astrology indicates that there may be a process of re-balancing that is in order for you now. Perhaps over the course of many years of relating you have developed patterns that are less than fulfilling, or that somehow give away your power. Through examining your habit structures, you could find areas where simple adjustments can be made, in alignment with what your intuition reveals to you. You might in this way create a wider and more empowered experience for you and everyone else.

Your involvement in community now is also crucial to your vitality, and feeds your ability to be resourced financially and in any other sense of material abundance. It seems the more you look beyond the present moment, and find yourself embodying your unique emotional expressions of your investment in that future and your community, the more support you will find in terms of the material. The key is to remain totally in touch with what arises for you from deep inside. If you can reorient your being to be with what is coming directly from your heart, whether it is terror or ecstasy, so too will you grow in your vitality and your ability to receive.

Another place to look for clues to expand your mind and wellness is your health and physical body, and the way you experience yourself from moment to moment. Your unconscious material, emotions hidden away that have yet to be expressed, could be manifesting themselves as issues in your health and physicality. There's an extensive school of thought that has emerged in recent decades proclaiming that every physical ailment has an emotional, psychological and spiritual component. Does your throat often hurt' Perhaps there's something you're not expressing that needs a voice. Are your joints achy' Perhaps you are having trouble moving through the many changes in life with ease and trust. You may benefit from asking your body what he/she is trying to tell you. Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life believes deeply in and has written extensively on how our thoughts and emotions directly affect our bodies and life circumstance. The power lies within your own attitudes and thoughts, and the good news is, you can choose new ones at any given moment. Ms. Hay has some helpful words on the topic: "The past has no power over us. It doesn't matter how long we have had a negative pattern. The point of power is in the present moment. What a wonderful thing to realize! We can begin to be free in this moment!"