Aquarius Horoscope for May 2015

Posted on May 2, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is indeed an interesting month of contrasts, Aquarius, as you delve deeper into your unconscious process as a significant part of your journey toward greater conscious participation in your life. Looking back over the past several months you are definitely transforming at deep levels and yet the changes are so gradual as to almost go unnoticed. Another subtle shift has been occurring in your relationship dynamic, in recognizing the importance of partnership perspectives. You are also quite determined these days to articulate your deepest truth in your unique way as part of your path to greater integration of all that you hold inside. You are thus engaged, especially during the second half of the month, in some serious speculation about the reason that you are here and what you have on offer to the world around you.

As the month begins, you are feeling within your process an intensity of recognition that has been brought about by the events of the past few months and your reactions to them. It might help you to clarify what you are currently going through if you can see the significance of ordinary activities in a more profound light, as part of a bigger picture, just as though you were enjoying a novel or a movie and marveling at the symbolic resonance of the imagery. The universe indeed works in mysterious ways to achieve its evolutionary purpose through the individuals that make it up. This month of May sees a culmination of your own accumulated understandings in a form that is also a new beginning, and that takes a practical stance to make useful what is essentially a spiritual development.

This is signaled by an activated presence of transformational Pluto in your twelfth solar sector of unconscious process and dream imagination. Your inner voice whispers softly, so that you might have to strain to hear it and yet with time and familiarity you can begin to discern its message. This represents what noted 20th century psychologist C.G. Jung termed the balance and compensation point for the more overt life of the surface personality. He felt that to understand these internal elements of the personality more completely was the task of life, and the way to greater psychic health. Your dreams, if you have been able to recall them, have perhaps been providing clues. Keeping a pad and writing instrument by your bed s a recommended practice. This month of taking stock represents an excellent time to attune in this way to the richness of your inner world.

Another emblem of your inner constellation of psychic contents is represented by Chiron, the Wounded Healer, also activated in your chart in this month's astrology, and prominently located in your resources sector. The understanding of what you hold inside yourself is more valuable to your future than gold. You can get clues from your reactivity, once you manage to recognize that "you are never angry for the reason that you think you are," and begin to trace the emotion back to its source in early childhood trauma that was not at the time of its occurrence able to be handled. A vestige of that hurt child might remain inside you somewhere, reaching out to your more mature presence for love and support, once you begin the search for such hidden places within you.

A more complete description of this month's astrological indications includes not only recognizing all that you have inside you, but also developing a practical means of moving forward with the new awareness that you are now bringing to the table of your consciousness. You are getting into a different take on your own individual contribution and how best to integrate that with the societal connections that you espouse. In this the reflections from important others, even when they differ from your own, are very helpful now as a means of assessing the extent that you are on track with what you are attempting.