Aries Horoscope for August 2012

Posted on August 1, 2012 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

The adventure continues, Aries. The urgency of your mission has you reeling, but still present for it, as you begin to accept your role as the unaccustomed and still slightly dazed voyager into unknown territory. There are dragons on the map but a closer inspection reveals them as numinous guiding presences. Your intuition remains powerful and holds great value for you now, as you seek to navigate the deeper and deeper waters of your inner world. You are held in place like a butterfly on a pin and even so still morphing into a final form as yet to be defined, so that the less you spend your strength on useless struggle to escape, the better you are prepared for your further climb into wholeness.

As the month begins, you find yourself half-way through the lunation cycle that began in mid-July with the late Cancer New Moon that took place in your sector of home and family. The cosmic forces of this current cycle are aligned across your chart in a powerful way so that you are being pulled out of your normal course in what could be ultimately a very good thing but that in the moment might be stressful. The current Mercury Retrograde also implies that you could be taking a more meditative stance on the events of your life, so that you can begin to see some of the ramifications of various choices you have been making.

This is where Astrology can become so valuable, allowing you to see that what is going on with you is not an isolated phenomenon but rather is part of a universal process that affects us all, in greater or in lesser degrees, and depending how well up to this point we have been, so to speak, doing our homework.

One factor in this push-pull that you are currently experiencing is Saturn, which, residing in your relationship sector, presages that there are important lessons there as well as restrictions to be worked through. This could imply greater commitment and could also mean accepting that certain possibilities are not in the cards, at least for now. This applies to business partnerships, close friendships and deeper relationship connections. All of these are referenced back to of the themes of family, tribe and security as well as to issues of communication and of siblings.

The potential conundrum that this series of issues represents comes as a steep learning curve that while it can be ignored for the moment, is not possible to be completely disregarded for very long without facing the consequences. It is also important to note that this all takes place in the context of transformation of life direction and career emphasis. It might be that you have been feeling the need to make important changes in how you approach your outer commitments based on fundamental priority shifts that take your private life into better account. Or it could also be possible that changes on the home front have conditioned a shift in your public persona.

There is radical departure in the works for you that takes you away from established ways of representing yourself in terms of outer world persona. This has been becoming more and more obvious - perhaps through a series of epiphanies - until it can no longer be ignored. It is safe to say that these next few years will bring further developments in a way that is consistent with an increased appreciation for the spiritual forces active in your life.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

All these issues and thoughts come to a relative plateau of understanding with the Full Moon of Wednesday evening, August 1st. This is a time of tension, but also of balance and of taking stock, especially appropriate to the Mercury Retrograde period of time that has reached its most active moment over the past few days. Mercury goes direct on the late evening and early morning of August 8th, so that there may well be a shift in the energy at that time, although it is recommended that any new departures from existing plans can wait for the time when Mercury escapes its retrograde shadow, which will be August 22nd.

You are taking an optimistic stance in this first week of the month, as relationship issues continue to predominate - so that these serve as catalyst to your ongoing metamorphosis. This is an extremely powerful time for you, intensified by the Mercury Retrograde, when ideas come fast and furious and when problems and potential solutions morph into each other with surprising rapidity.

The Last Quarter Moon, taking place on Thursday, August 9th, brings to your process a further degree of intensity and thoughtfulness. This symbolizes a reflective period of time preceding the next New Moon, a time of summing up and of attempting to make sense of what has recently taken place. As your understanding of yourself grows so also does your compassion for others in interaction with you. This is also a time of limitation and restriction in many areas, a narrow channel that you simply have to make the best of, but that when examined philosophically might turn out after all to be in your best long-term interest.

With the late Leo New Moon that comes along in the following week, taking place on Friday, August 17th, there is fresh energy for pursuing your higher-purpose agenda as well as challenges to taking any concrete constructive action. You possess a fundamental optimism at base and pressure to be making some important adjustments. There is still an intense learning process going on for you regarding what it is that you are ultimately about these days and what end you are serving. The self-understanding that you gain through these summer months is perhaps your most important product.

The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 24th, represents another period of relative tension in your process, a phase that seminal astrologer Dane Rudhyar referred to as a "crisis of action." What you had thought viable is put to the test. Neptune is activated as well by this configuration, which takes place in your twelfth sector of dream imagination. Although your inner life is quite active, things might be yet somewhat fuzzy and difficult to make out in terms of outer world perspective. Mercury is stabilized now, and you can begin to gather yourself for important fall changes.