Capricorn Horoscope for July 2015

Posted on July 2, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an important month for you, Capricorn. Your soul intention that comes from deep inside is speaking its truth so much more clearly to you now that you have no real choice but to listen, even though the message is an unusual one, and a departure from existing tracks that you have been circulating in for such a very long time. You wind up peering over the top of the next ridge of your steep ascent, toward further goals that await you during the remainder of the year. The major development that you find yourself in the midst of has taken a new turn lately, providing a link between what you feel, at the deeper regions of your psyche, needs to happen, and your actual plans that are being manufactured at the surface layers of your personality.

As the month begins, you are enjoying an unusual degree of attention to the sense of shared adventure and partnership interaction implied by the presence of the July 1st Full Moon in your sign. This lunar phase represents the fulfillment of the late-Gemini lunation cycle from two weeks past, and therefore also has much to do with the meaning of this mentally oriented sign for you, which occupies your sixth solar sector of your workplace, everyday happenings, and health regimens, as well as service to others and a sense of personal mission that you bring to your interaction with the world around you. There is a way that completing the loop with important persons in your life makes for a perfect fit with this symbolism, allowing the particular to serve as emblem for the universal. In this first week of July, you can perhaps feel the manner in which you co-create with others and simultaneously evolve your personal destiny.

Indeed there is a way that you are experiencing a sense of personal mission, emanating from deep within you, in the timing of this month's astrology. The new planet called Eris, only recently discovered, and representing a spiritual warrior energy that corresponds to deep soul intention, is highlighted in this month's astrology because aspected by the recent New Moon in your sixth sector, plus at the timing of the Full Moon configuration that begins the month being aspected as well by lovely Venus, expansive Jupiter, and the intuitional razzle-dazzle of Uranus. This latter outer planet archetype is lighting up the deepest places within you with an almost giddy feeling of intuitional impulsiveness. You are of course inclined to forge ahead with your more ordinary thoughts and activities, ignoring these strange attractors that come up almost unbidden from deep within your psyche, and yet you are tempted as well to take a chance on a wild fling that brings you into closer alignment with your deepest soul intention.

Then, too, you can detect a strong presence of the numinousity of Neptune in these current configurations, located in your communications sector. This implies that your conversation is more than a little "spaced out" and redolent of a sense the unconscious process of which you are normally more or less completely unaware. These first two weeks of July make for a great time to be getting into music and dance, or any other manner of connecting up with Spirit and speaking or writing about your experience in a way that more profoundly reaches out to others. This is also a terrific opportunity to journal — writing a letter to yourself — that explores your relationship to the divine. Because Neptune runs orthogonal to the normal run-of-the-mill ways of seeing and believing this time can also be confusing, unless and until you are willing to give up some part of your illusory control.

The bottom line for you this month is that as you continue to transform in a major way over the course of this climactic year, you are experiencing strange and powerful stirrings from deep inside that have much to contribute to your ongoing spiritual evolution, to the extent that you can allow them a place at the table of your awareness. You win when you can believe that the universe is your friend, acting in your best interest, always, in spite of any evidence that seems to contradict this basic and profoundly significant idea.