Capricorn Horoscope for August 2015

Posted on August 7, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is the time of your life, Capricorn. Your personal roller coaster of a summer continues with an interesting month that brings massive metamorphosis to the extent that you are ready. Partnership is an important area for you, full of introspection and course correction, and with information and activity flow that helps in sorting out your own life path. The extra burden of this month will be slight for one who has been doing their spiritual homework; although if on the other hand you have postponed dealing with your issues, the time has come. As you take up your challenge you achieve a better handle on what you are currently up to, and begin to more fully understand what parts of yourself you must leave behind, in order to inhabit the future space corresponding to your true heart's desire.

As the month begins, you are well aware of a shift in your energy field, in line with the station to direct motion of your ruler, Saturn, located in your sector of societal involvement and future plans. You have been building for weeks to this, the moment when your feeling is that the research is ending and the time for action has begun, in the task of remaking your life closer to your heart's desire. The only potential obstacle is that there may be unresolved issues still to face before you can be fully cleared for take-off. When you look inside, you know what these are. Of course it is of vital importance that you operate in the light of the most complete understanding that you can arrive at of what you, at base, desire. This is a factor that has been variable of late, so that you are not sure in any one week what it is that you truly want. While you might not be able to be completely clear on everything, a little soul searching now is definitely called for, and the timing is good to go for relative clarity of decision.

The astrological factor of Venus in retrograde is an interesting one for you, now, and perhaps leads you in the opposite direction, to an introspective mode regarding especially issues of relationship. This relates to your own creativity in response, and as well to a higher mind perspective on what you are up to, another area that remains in a formative state. So as you proceed to forge ahead with future plans that you feel are in the offing, you benefit when you can also take the time to engage in the witnessing of everything that you have going on in terms of human interaction, and the way that you do your self-expression.

Then too, there is the suddenness of the Uranian factor. Uranus is located in your sector of home and family, where he has been residing for several years, and has just changed to retrograde motion in roughly the same timing as your ruler, Saturn, turned direct, and in aspect to each other. Uranus, the trickster, brings startling occurrences to this arena, perhaps involving family members or issues with your household, and as well surprising enlightenment. The new planet, Eris, is also located there in conjunction with Uranus, making these effects even more potent.

With Pluto activated once more in the identity sector of your solar chart, you are likely to be feeling like you are entering into another stage of the transformative journey that you have been on for several years now. This spring carried a lot of this energy as well, and came as a summation of what had gone before, another chance at seeing what your evolutionary path consists of. As you refine your knowledge of what is going on with you over the course of this tumultuous decade, you might be able to look back with a degree of satisfaction to where you have been, even as new challenges appear before your more informed gaze. The memory of what you have thus far encountered serves as a reminder that building character, like a mighty city, takes time and detail work, and while it does not come easily it can, eventually, transpire along the lines of your ultimate intention.