Aries Horoscope for September 2012

Posted on September 1, 2012 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are getting your bearings, Aries. It is probable that significant others in your life are there for a reason, and yet this purpose is mysterious and at times seems to run counter to your own patented brand of individuality. Various areas of limitation inhibit your natural flow, or are they safety rails that keep you on track? The summer up to now has been a contemplative one that brings up more questions than answers. You might feel like a confused wanderer but what you really are is a voyager in search of a more genuine knowledge than the purely intellectual and that therefore satisfies you deep down.

As the month begins, you are feeling your way into a better and more fruitful connection with your interior world, while retaining at least one foot in the practicality of concrete manifestation. Saturn is highlighted in your one-on-one sector, bringing all kinds of relationship issues into the picture, while Neptune, together with Chiron, resides in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, as it has all year, and is even further emphasized in this month's potent configurations, bringing in the numinous and other-dimensional world that this archetype symbolizes.

This world all unto itself is orthogonal to the physical plane, but just as real, and is more easily represented by music, dance and poetry. You are subtly signaled to pay closer attention to the dreamy wisdom that is Neptune, insistently whispering in your ear. You are being thus called to heed what is within you, and it is richer and stranger by far than what can be experienced by the five senses alone.

Meanwhile, Saturn in your relationship area suggests a mentoring kind of connection with a significant other. This factor might not directly dictate your thoughts regarding your actual pathway forward, but perhaps does indeed strongly influence that path. Or it might be that restrictions imposed from outside yourself constrain you, and that this sense of limitation, or perhaps your resistance to it, colors your experience — in a manner antithetical to the Neptunian influence that rather than taking you directly into the physical plane allows you to transcend it — and feels like an issue of partnership that must be dealt with.

The numinous world represented by Neptune can be confusing to the concerns of the more everyday one of logic and commerce, and so you might be tempted to shut down the source that arises within you, unbidden. This is in actuality difficult to do. The message will repeat until you get it; or at least until you begin to acknowledge that there is something important going on. The problem is that really taking this in does involve quite a stretch, one that brings you beyond the merely logical to the sway of an altogether entirely different kettle of fish. This is far outside the realms of consensus thinking, and yet completes your understanding of what is really happening to you in this era of significant change.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the Last Quarter Moon of Saturday, September 8th, you enter into a meditative mood. You are applying your mentality strongly now to the question of who you really are and where headed, and perhaps beginning to accept it that while this conundrum might have no easy answers, it is worth investigating anyway. Your process is aided by the many and varied lightening-like flashes of intuition that continue to pour forth from you during this period. These might help to show the way, but rather than a steady headlight beam, more like a fitfully illuminated cavern lit by the brief glimmer of a flickering torch.

The New Moon that comes along a week later, on Saturday, September 15th, takes place in your sector service and ordinary day-to-day existence, also of the discipleship to your Higher Self. You have very much more energy now at your disposal, and are likely to be talking rapidly and often during this period, although not at all times productively.

You are attempting to get yourself out of a box that was been built before your time and that has continued to influence your behavior since childhood. Your very identity is involved. In transforming your situation, you are drawing sustenance from friends, colleagues and partners, and you are gathering greater and greater courage for your endeavor as time rolls on. The latter part of this month might serve to reveal some part of the darker side of this process to you.

With the First Quarter Moon of Saturday, September 22nd, you could encounter the narrowest gate and the most difficult passage as you make your way through. This is the time when you get to see the obstacles as well as the advantages of recent approaches, stemming from the time of the New Moon. You could encounter difficulties in career or professional life plans or conflicts with partners. The concept of partnership itself could represent itself as a stumbling block to getting your outer world mission accomplished.

With the Full Moon of the last weekend of the month, taking place on Saturday, September 29th, you are dealing with a form of culmination of these past two weeks of the lunar cycle, and therefore could find yourself beginning to see the fruits of your labors in terms of compromise. On the other hand there are surprises that are inevitable at this stage of your journey and that could easily throw you an unexpected curve ball. Still the questions remain of how to reconcile your career opportunities with your expanding concept of self-definition and with issues of self and other that are continuing to place unexpected demands on you that must be worked through.