Scorpio Horoscope for January 2017

Posted on December 31, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another month of cosmic revelation for you, Scorpio. If you want to discover new philosophical and intellectual horizons, in the course of your daily life, then you have come to the right place; as they say, wherever you go, there you are. The themes of this month for you would seem to be that revelations continue to come at you fast and furious, granting you the choice to either go with them into new territory of beliefs and of life mission, or to decline to follow the call of your inner guidance. Be aware that the message is likely to repeat. As you reexamine your stance on worldview and self-identity, you move through confusion and illusion to a form of truth that feels somewhat right to you at this current moment in time. This is not perfect, but it might turn out to be enough.

As the month begins, you are still feeling the energy of the Capricorn New Moon from the end of December that took place in your sector of communication and learning. The influence of this potent lunation continues throughout the month, and gives you loads of energy for conversation and for expressing your feelings in either written or spoken forms of self-expression. This love of discussion that is with you now is also somewhat complicated by the retrograde of Mercury that is highlighted by this New Moon configuration, by virtue of the Sun and Moon being in close conjunction with Mercury as it moves backward through the same sign. This is an essentially introspective symbolism, especially being in your communications sector, that therefore contrasts sharply with the foregoing positive indicators, something of a push-pull toward interpersonal connection versus going it alone, thinking everything over and analyzing the nuances of your communicative experience. You might thus feel either of these opposing energies at any one time, perhaps both at once.

With your ruler, Mars, conjunct nebulous Neptune in your self-expression sector in the timing of this New Moon, this month is in any case a study in paradox. With Neptune there are illusions to contend with, perhaps regarding your artistic creativity, the way that you understand yourself to come across to others. You wonder how much of what you perceive is purely subjective, or what might be the truth about what you have to say, and the way that you express this to the world around you. You could also feel a lovely compassionate sense of oneness with everyone that you encounter and this has as well its confusing side. You might find that you identify in a spiritual way with feelings of love for all humanity, a real necessity in these fractious times, and yet also at times pull back from these feelings, wondering if this, too, could be an illusion. There is no correct answer here except to trust in your process and rely on intuition to guide you. In moments of doubt choose innocence.

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