Pisces Horoscope for July 2017

Posted on June 29, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a vital time for you, Pisces, when you are feeling a greater sense of responsibility in areas of career and professional life. These feelings may also encompass a wider range of commitment than just to the working world. You are exploring new facets of identity, coming to a new view of your possibilities that includes intimations from unconscious realms beyond your more obvious surface concerns. It is important that you pay attention to these inner stirrings, as best you can discern them. If fully incorporated into your future plans, the very concept of your work might open up for you, to accommodate this broader vision. Along with the lure of additional possibilities with regard to your outer world role, you might be feeling restrictions of your choices. Sometimes yielding to necessity can lead to the right doors opening up for you, provided you can keep faith with the universe to guide you.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The solar season of Pisces straddles the cusp between Winter and Spring, embodying a whirlpool of different forces. Winter is filled with lonely, inward, dreaming. During the winter season, we long for the Spring but the death period of Winter also provides us with an opportunity to remember life beyond the veil of the material world. On the other hand, Spring time compels us into action, into the waking dream world and into the world of desires and plans, the place where our longings find actualization and we celebrate living for as long as it lasts! Pisceans embody these themes simultaneously, sometimes as poets, artists, visionAries, and mystics, and other times as tortured souls, or shy and sensitive types who feel constantly bombarded by the harsh realities of the waking world. This month’s astrology brings out these tensions within, very powerfully, through your relationship to your inner or private/home life, and through your outer or public/professional life.

As July gets started, Venus slowly moves into your fourth house, in Gemini (July 4th), and then slowly over the rest of the month will apply to an opposition with Saturn in Sagittarius in your tenth house of career and public reputation (July 24th/25th). While Venus will bring love, freedom, sensuality, joy, and social ease into your home life, Saturn in Sagittarius in your tenth house is all about increased responsibilities, hard work, discipline, authority or authority figures, beliefs and convictions, and the gravity or seriousness of your work in the outer world. So, what happens when these two archetypal forces collide'

There are many interesting things to watch for here. You might notice that your inner life is more free, flexible, and open-minded than your public life, in which case you may find that you are naturally questioning the intensity with which you do things in your job or “out there,” compared to the ease and freedom you find “in here.” Or, you might notice that you are granting free passes to people you know privately for the same things you are taking people to task for publicly. You may recognize that your real inner life or inner thoughts and beliefs are quite flexible compared to those you work for, or under, and you may even feel the need to address value or belief differences at work or in the home. This month may also feature the exciting newness of love and relationships, or of hosting friends and family in the home, while also highlighting the tension of work contracts or duties in the office.

Whatever the case might be, just remember that as a Pisces you are always looking for that balance between the ideal and the real. Compromise is especially hard when we see and feel the way something “could be,” but the truth is that even if something becomes as we dream it to be, in this world the results are always temporary and even the best results will eventually pass away. It’s therefore important to develop realistic expectations for yourself and for others, for your job and your home life. On the other hand, if you find that you aren’t committed enough, that you’re being wishy-washy, or that you need to take more serious actions to make your dreams into a reality, then this month’s astrology will provide you with an opportunity to make sure that the outer reality you’re creating is matched up with your inner dreams and longings.

Good luck, and remember to check back next month because with two eclipses in August it is arguably the most important forecast of the year!