Aries Horoscope for December 2012

Posted on November 30, 2012 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

It is a long road that has no turning, Aries. You have been through the fires of transformation and, lo, you have come through it all unscathed; only perhaps a little singed around the edges. You are discovering in the course of this monthly cycle that you are as a result a stronger stand for yourself in this world. As you begin to more confidently make your offering of that which is uniquely yours to give, you find that the rewards are plentiful, and that they are by nature of inner realms rather than of outer. These come to you through the physical, yet somehow tinged with a magical touch of the beyond so that they and you shimmer with a deeper meaning, and ultimately a more multi-dimensional sense of understanding.

As the month begins, you are still rocking in the wake of the powerful Lunar Eclipse from the last week of November. This was a significant time for you, with your ruler Mars in conjunction with transformative Pluto, and roughly in square to your natal Sun. Especially if you were born late March or early April, you have been feeling the combined effect of Uranus and Pluto for many months now, and culminating in this recent Full Moon eclipse. As the transformational forces of realignment continues, and seem to be something that you might just have to get used to, you might find solace in the thought that what we humans perhaps do best has a lot to do with adapting to new conditions.

Things are very different with the end of one chapter looming and the possibility of a very different one just ahead. Rather than try to hold on to those portions of your existence that are quickly disappearing, it might be wise to anticipate change so that you cannot be caught by surprise at what comes next, when in one way of looking at it, anything goes.

You are challenged at this end-time of a big year to look to your heart as well as to your head, and also to examine more closely the collusion between these very different organs. The former is good for business as usual, but the usual is far from what you need right now. Still it is not a recipe for success to neglect what you are so good at, steering your course of action by force of will alone. If you find that you must compromise on these types of issues, you might be able to find the silver lining that rewards you with a greater sense of cooperation without giving up your famous sense of individuality.

With Mercury still recovering from its recent retrograde it is an excellent time for mulling over these and other concerns as you make your way forward into what is essentially a new world for you; not to conquer but to engage lovingly and with greater confidence that the cosmos will take care of your needs so that you no longer have to fear for the future.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, December 6th, you are encouraged to take an even deeper look into your actual situation. Coming out of the Mercury Retrograde period, this is a terrific time to do just that. You might find that there remain some shreds of denial to attempt to see through, and a way of climbing to the top of your agenda without fooling yourself in any way. It's a tall order but one that you have been training for, and that you now can handle.

The New Moon of Thursday, December 13th is a powerful one for you yet again, and takes place in your sector of higher mind, it puts you in a thoughtful and exploratory stance. You are striding out into a changed and changing world, with greater reserves of wisdom to back you up. Things are only as dire as you believe them to be; as you are engaged this month in discovering, the way that you look at things makes all the difference. This then puts the power right back in your own hands to make it though, and even to thrive. But you must keep alert to all your possibilities.

With the First Quarter Moon of Wednesday evening, December 19th, you could hit some snags in the road of your progress. There are likely to be surprises over the next few days that could snowball and nudge you into course corrections, perhaps involving partners or business associates. It is all part of the rather massive set of necessary adjustments as you proceed to reinvent yourself over the turning of the year, with a fresh new approach that is entirely appropriate to changing circumstances.

The Full Moon of Friday, December 28th, represents a culmination of everything that has gone before and seals the deal on changes that you were in the midst of making but which seemed almost too much to actually accomplish, until you had to. It is definitely a new world that awaits you with the New Year, a very personal response to earth changes and social shifts that form the background for your spiritual evolution into greater wholeness.