Virgo Horoscope for July 2019

Posted on June 30, 2019 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

There is a lot going on for you this month, Virgo, although much of the action happens at interior layers of your psyche, virtually hidden from conscious view. You do have an extremely strong dose of intuition going for you, which provides you with information that you must half-close your eyes to see. With the Solar Eclipse of July 2nd, you are optimistic about new ways of perceiving, and of proceeding in, the world. Innovative future plans are more than likely to come up. The retrograde of your ruler, Mercury, beginning on July 7th, and continuing throughout the month, is especially inner-oriented for you. In the midst of an intensely introspective period, you will confront one form or another of internal wounding, perhaps by stumbling into anger or other reactivity, which can be taken as a signal that some parts of yourself are stressed out and hurting. Attempting to articulate your deepest truth as you make contact with these dark places inside you will be an exercise well worth the effort.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins astrologically on July 2nd, with a powerful Solar Eclipse in Cancer in your eleventh house of friends, allies, and groups. Although the seed of this eclipse may take time to grow and eventually bear fruit (say six months to a year), you can expect that new people are likely to enter your life in the next six months that will change your life for many years to come. Solar eclipses generally bring powerful new beginnings, and they are even more pivotal when they take place in cardinal, initiating signs, like Cancer. Because the eleventh house is also a place of hopes, wishes, and dreams for the future, you can anticipate that your sense of direction and prospective vision, your dreams and sense of what is possible, will also going through a significant shift in the weeks and months ahead.

Between July 7th and 9th, Mercury in Leo will conjoin Mars in Leo in your twelfth house of dissolution, surrender, and self-undoing right as it turns retrograde. Given that Mercury is your ruling planet, this transit has the potential to be more personally challenging for your mental and emotional health. It’s important that you steer clear of impulsive or reckless activities, and you should also be careful of mental or intellectual agitation in general. The temptation to lash out verbally, to bully, or to make rash or severe statements that could have long-lasting effects is present right now. On the other hand, finding the courage to explore your shadows, reaching out for help, or speaking up when you are feeling afraid will likely bring positive results right now.

Between July 9th and the 16th, the Sun in Cancer in your eleventh house will move through oppositions to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in your fifth house of creativity, children, and good fortune. Then, on July 16th, a Lunar Eclipse will fall in Capricorn in the fifth house, in proximity to both Saturn and Pluto. Sometimes, fortune smiles upon us in ways that are not obvious at first or that feel more like bad luck when it first hits us. This eclipse might be like that for you. While a Lunar Eclipse with Saturn and Pluto has a heavier and more fated feeling to it, the upside is that whatever spiritual work you are being required to do right now, however constricted you may feel by the circumstances, or however joyless or exhausting the work might be, in time, the fruits of the traditional house of “good fortune” will be tasted. The best advice for now is to think of everything happening around you as creative fodder, as grist for the mill, or as exactly what you need to become your most joyful and creative self.

Between July 16th and the 21st, Venus in Cancer will follow through the same oppositions the Sun went through, opposing both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in your fifth house of creativity, children, and good fortune. This transit represents a continuation for the above considerations, and also speaks to the potential for deepening new relationships while you also separate yourself from those friends or groups who no longer speak to your soul. You should also carefully examine what kinds of compromises, socially, or even creatively, are helpful and healthy and which will only lead you into relationships that will entangle you or complicate your life in the future.

Finally, on July 31st, the New Moon in Leo will conjoin with Venus in your twelfth house of surrender, dissolution, and self-undoing, while also making a square to Uranus in Taurus in your ninth house of spirituality and the higher mind. The next Moon cycle therefore brings with it an exploration of freedom, creativity, and morality, or of love and spirituality. You are going to be exploring your beliefs, as well as dealing with the temptation to discard your beliefs in favor of the pursuit of your desires. This Moon cycle will also bring questions about higher forms of beauty, purity, and love, or the need to bring your spirituality in touch with your sexuality or love life. The warning here is that Venus/Uranus contacts are sometimes provocative, experimental, and independent to a fault, to the point where relationships and unions can be suddenly disrupted in unhealthy ways.