Capricorn Horoscope for May 2022

Posted on April 30, 2022 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another month with an inner orientation, Capricorn. Your self-expression and your creativity are sizzling, although with a distinctly interior component that you do well not to ignore. Even when your attention goes to your career and professional life, there is a comprehension that much of what you need to know comes to you through the agency of deep intuition, rather than the surface-level seemingly final facts. The retrograde of Mercury, commencing on May 10th, pulls you even farther into your inner process, so that journaling or recording your dreams might be just the ticket. Your identity is on the line, as it has been for many months now, but with greater clarity than ever before. The May 15th Full Moon eclipse represents another significant juncture, taking place in your sector of future planning and societal impact. Your deepest values are sparked by this eclipse. You are recognizing that much of what you hold inside provides your most thorough grounding in principle, values, and in knowing instinctively what is, for you, right action. And, what is more, in acting strictly upon this implicit understanding as you evolve.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The beginning of the month could highlight your creative genius thanks to a powerful Solar Eclipse in Taurus, which took place at the end of April. This eclipse governs the following thirty days of its lunation cycle, and even longer considering that it is an eclipse with a shelf life of approximately six months. The intense energy of this eclipse may serve as a vital restart for the things you love and are passionate about. You might feel yourself stretching in unexpected ways as your projects take on a life of their own. Communication could also feel more effortless for you this month, and it may be an excellent opportunity to take advantage of these influences to focus on things that bring you joy. You may have to get used to the fact that work doesn't always have to feel like a burden and that you can have fun while still being productive.

On the 2nd, Venus enters Aries and brings her blessings to the home sector of your solar chart. This could mean renovation and beautifying your space or simply a desire to lay low and spend time doing what you love in the privacy of your home. The Sun and Uranus in Taurus are also conjoined for the first week of the month. You could feel somewhat restless if you don't have a creative outlet. However, this could be an excellent influence to work with if you have space and time to explore an original idea more extensively.

The First Quarter Moon in Leo the late afternoon or evening of the 8th may highlight some tension in your intimate or business partnerships. You may have less patience for compromises at this time, preferring to work solo on your ideas and personal projects. Logistical or scheduling issues may be on the radar as Mercury in Gemini turns retrograde on the 10th. Mercury won't be moving direct again until the beginning of June, but it should allow you to reorganize your priorities. Jupiter enters Aries on the same day where it will spend the next six months and may emphasize your family life and living arrangements. You may also be craving more autonomy to do as you please, and it may be a good idea to start thinking of ways you could feel more self-sufficient.

The second eclipse of the season is a Full Moon that arrives on May 15th in the sign of Scorpio. This Lunar Eclipse could highlight an ongoing process related to your dreams, aspirations, and place in a community. The Sun and Moon aspect transformational Pluto in your sign. Something could be coming to a close, and it might be time to acknowledge what has expired or doesn't give you joy anymore. This natural process could cause old allegiances to completely dissolve if it hasn't already happened, as you make space for more of what you want to do with your life. It may be your opportunity to take stock of how far you've come and perhaps the sacrifices you are no longer willing to make. Saturn in Aquarius is squared by the eclipse, and this creates enormous focus on your resources and your values, and could also make you more aware of a certain amount of pressure related to your income or the potential cost of following your own personal and creative path.

On the 20th, the Sun enters Gemini and conjuncts Mercury Retrograde on the 21st, which marks the halfway point of the Mercury Retrograde cycle. Mercury in the heart of the Sun could clarify what you need and require to feel healthy and peaceful right now.

Mars enters Aries on May 24th, joining Jupiter and Venus already transiting there, and could emphasize even more the need you may have for autonomy in the coming weeks. Your home center is emphasized along with family dynamics or potentially regarding your family of origin.

The month closes with a New Moon in Gemini on the 30th, which augurs the beginning of a new cycle for things related to your health, your routine, and the way you manage your schedule. You might have a lot on your plate already, and the secret to your success may lie in your ability to create more time for doing what you love out of your already busy schedule.