Aries Horoscope for May 2023

Posted on April 30, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another somewhat difficult month for you, Aries, although it is not without its rewards. Mercury is currently retrograde through your resources sector so that your attitude toward material goods and your finances is mightily altering along with issues at your very core. Personal transformation and introspective second-guessing is fully underway, lasting throughout the month. Mercury stations to direct motion on the 14th, and then slowly recovers. The transformative influence of Pluto, Lord of death and Rebirth, featuring prominently in the eclipses of April and of May, cannot be overstated. You are being asked to give up habit patterns that are no longer tenable, and your options are to go struggling or to go quietly. The value of astrology lies in part in alerting you to situations so that you can make more informed choices, and this month is a prime example. The lunar eclipse of May 5th is especially telling, and the developments of a week later, from the 12th to the 14th, might be equally dramatic. Remember to stay patient and look to the eventual positive outcome that is to follow once you have shed your evolutionary cocoon to emerge as a more authentic version of yourself.

The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of

The New Moon Solar Eclipse from last month, having taken place April 20th at the final degree of your sign, instilled tremendous potential for greater independence and competence to stand up for yourself, or perhaps advocating for a cause you believe in. This carried a heavy influence from Pluto in your friends and ideals sector, possibly shifting the way you identify with your friends or reconsidering long-held goals. The effects of the eclipse can be experienced throughout the month of May.

Pluto stations retrograde on May 1st in your sector of friends, community, and progressive ideals. The Sun and Mercury Retrograde join on the same day in your sector of finances, values, and sustainability. This combination of events can signal a time to take a hard look at your resources, your friends, what matters to you, and how to be more self-sufficient. There may be people you have been wanting to detach from, old ideals that are not ideal anymore, or perhaps you will engage and connect more with new friends about deep personal or progressive issues.

On May 5th, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio could help create more trust and deeper connections with others, illuminate your financial situation and how to protect your resources, or portend a death and rebirth that changes your perspective on life. Eclipses are harbingers of change, so take advantage of any opportunity to plumb the depths of your psyche, alone or with a confidant, to get to the bottom of what you feel called upon to transform in your life.

Venus ingressing into Cancer on May 7th – corresponding to your home and security sector – could elicit more nurturing in your life. You might find yourself showing others how much you care about them or working hard to ensure a greater sense of contentment and security in your own life and for the lives of others. This also may inspire you to beautify your home to make it more comfortable and inviting. Venus in Cancer for the next month can also instill greater compassion and empathy toward others, so enjoy the warm loveliness of this beautiful transit.

On May 12th, the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius is colored by a very active and workable relationship between Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. This is a reflective time, with Mercury about to station, and indicates a shift in how you see your future unfolding. What might come into focus would be the way you are pursuing your progressive ideals, identifying with your friends and community, or possibly allowing yourself to detach from challenging emotional situations. You might want to spend more time at home or nurturing your creativity and artistic expression for some necessary focus, reflection, and grounding.

Mercury stations direct on May 14th in your resources, sustainability, and values sector. This is a key juncture for you. You have likely given a lot of thought over the past three weeks or more, while Mercury was retrograde, to what is most important in your life, such as how you manage your money, sustain your lifestyle, or give and receive affection. Working with these types of issues contributes to you feeling more stable and satisfied. Now through to the end of May you will likely start aligning your life with those reflections. While in this two-week post-retrograde period that Mercury is indeed direct, there is a lingering influence that bides its time while you work to integrate all the recalibrating that took place while it was retrograde.

Jupiter ingresses into Taurus on May 16th in your second sector of sustainability, resources, and values while Mars in Cancer is also trine to nebulous Neptune. This combination can make you want to expand spiritually or increase your understanding of other cultures and their philosophies to integrate values you had not previously been aware of. It may behoove you to keep a keen eye open for opportunities that present themselves in the next few days, especially while the Sun is still in this sector of your chart, although financial opportunities may present themselves at any time over the next year.

On May 19th, the New Moon lands in the late degrees of Taurus, corresponding to your second sector of values and resources. This indicates a chance to grow your income and improve self-sufficiency, although that process should be carefully devised before moving forward. While the New Moon is generally a good time to set new intentions and start new endeavors, it might be a good idea to wait until after the 21st to act upon those intentions, once your ruling planet, Mars, ingresses into Leo (May 20th) and the Sun ingresses into Gemini (May 21st). All of these planets being in Taurus in your second sector of personal values is likely generating significant consideration to what your values are and what they stand for, influencing you to reevaluate what is most important to you so that you can make better decisions moving forward.

On Sunday, May 20th, your ruling planet, Mars, moves into Leo – your fifth sector of self-expression and creativity – as Mars also opposes Pluto quite closely, so that your impulses for personal transformational are renewed. The Leo Mars can impart a distinct boost to your creative juices and zest for life, and you might, simultaneously with your metamorphosis, sense a confidence coursing within you as well to be seen, heard, and recognized. Perhaps this will make you more excited to express yourself in ways you have not been ready to share with the world until now. Be aware that the Mars opposition to Pluto will likely additionally create tension or stress upon your nervous system, as well as bringing a powerful rebirth to your passions and desires. Staying positive can inspire you to follow your heart and conquer any setbacks that arise.

The Sun’s ingress into Gemini the next day on May 21st can enliven the above and help you to study or research something new and different, perhaps socialize more. The combined celestial events of the past three days could encourage enormous enthusiasm for what lies ahead, although Pluto’s trine to the Sun and opposition to Mars will partially inhibit this excitement to the extent that there are unresolved emotional matters. The month of May has been in some ways a rather fraught one for you, with great opportunities as well. Keeping your eyes on the future and your heart centered on overcoming losses that may have accrued over time can bring you through the proverbial gauntlet to bask in the golden light of the Sun’s optimism.