Aries Horoscope for July 2023

Posted on June 30, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

The transformational beat continues, Aries, with themes of mentation, metamorphosis, and spirituality contained in the current lunation cycle stemming from recent late Gemini New Moon. With your curiosity and learning greatly stimulated, you are in the midst of a process of thinking your way through. The transpersonal archetypal energies of Neptune and Pluto suggest that much of what is going on within you and outside of yourself cannot be contained in mere logic and must simply be given up to the Universe to strengthen and to change you. Important partners in your life come into this as well, continuing throughout the summer months. The Capricorn Full Moon of July 3rd is powerful, and stirs you to a point of action, with implications for your outer world vocational presence that reach past that level to a sense of your own deeply personal mission. The Cancer New Moon of July 17th then in turn calls you forth to a distinctly new stage of both limitation and greater internal integration. You might feel gratefully nailed to a distinct sense of your own emerging authenticity, with no way out but to keep on going down and through.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

As the influence of this last month’s Gemini New Moon continues to play out for the first half of this one, and recognizing that this dynamic lunation took place in your sector of mind and local environment, as well as affecting your unconscious process, July might help you find the grace to surrender to the forces of destiny and, as well, the courage to strive for your authentic desires. The emphasis on Neptune in Pisces, in your sphere of the unconscious, dream imagination and inner work, implies that cultivating a deeper connection to your spiritual nature could be both exciting and ultimately useful. Transformative Pluto was also featured in the recent New Moon, indicating that important life changes are still in full swing, especially applying to your goals, friendships and societal contribution. This month may therefore remind you that your soul has a path to walk; and it can help you connect to an enlivening sense of purpose that casts a new light on your individual ambitions, creative self-expression, pleasure, finances, and career.

The month begins, from July 1st to the 3rd, under the influence of a square between Venus in Leo to Uranus in Taurus from your sector of creativity, joy, and children to your resources sphere, indicating fluctuations in your values and your finances, possibly your relationships, with surprises in store. There is also the potential for an exciting opportunity to increase your prosperity through a new creative job or raise. While your finances or romantic life may be a little unstable, this transit may help loosen areas of your life that can become rigid. While Venus, due to retrograde this month, will never catch up to your ruling planet Mars in your creativity sector, her current conjunction to Mars could help you identify and free yourself from restrictive relationship dynamics or outdated attitudes to money and resources that could have been preventing you from exploring meaningful creative goals.

The Capricorn Full Moon of July 3rd takes place in your sphere of public image and professional aspirations, making a trine to Jupiter in your sector or resources and finances that suggests emerging vocational opportunities will likely be fruitful. Ruled by Saturn, currently residing in your realm of the unconscious, the pragmatic quality of this lunation could illuminate a need for greater commitment to inner work or that vocational opportunities related to a creative communication or learning cycle initiated at the New Moon will require dedicated behind-the-scenes work. Pluto’s recent retrograde back into your career sector indicates this work may be connected to past endeavors that remain unresolved. Mercury conjunct the Cancer Sun emphasizes emotional intelligence, which may facilitate heartfelt conversations within your family dynamic. You also may feel torn between domestic and professional responsibilities or reflect on outdated conditioning around career expectations related to your family of origin.

On July 10th, your ruling planet Mars crosses the threshold to Virgo corresponding to your sector of daily work, service, and health and signaling a productive shift of activity toward work-related projects, everyday responsibilities, or fitness and health routines. Mercury also ingresses into Leo today, forming an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn across the axis of your inner and outer worlds as it leaves Cancer. This transit encourages radical honesty, with yourself and others, and may facilitate revelation or deep conversations with colleagues, family, or those in your domestic environment. It may also illuminate underlying motivations related to status, ego, or the esteem of others. This transit can increase your drive to make an impact on the world, offering intense focus, penetrating insight, and persuasive communicative power in the days surrounding it.

On July 17th, the Cancer New Moon initiates a fated and dynamic new cycle related to your home, family, or your psychological roots. The Lunar Nodes of destiny shift into Aries and Libra, forming a T-square with Pluto in Capricorn that activates the angular cardinal sectors in your solar chart related to your identity, partnerships, and professional life. The sign of Cancer governs the descent of spirit into matter; this fertile lunation asks what are you birthing into the world. Be it literal children or creative projects, Mercury’s square from Leo to Jupiter in Taurus suggests there is abundant support for your creative visions and emerging ambitions, which can be manifest, grown, and sustained in the material world. The Lunar North Node moving into your sign, or your sector of identity, appearance, and purpose indicates your individual trajectory will become an area of considerable growth and flux over the next year and a half. Goals that require significant energy or fortitude will indicate you are on the right path.

Your ruling planet Mars in Virgo forms an opposition to Saturn in Pisces from July 19th to July 21st, activating your sectors of daily responsibilities and inner work. It may be time to explore your personal shadows around self-judgment or self-control that manifest as limiting habitual behaviors. Sustained, focalized energy is available, provided you feel the goal is worth sacrificing and working hard for.

Leo season begins on July 22nd, placing further emphasis on your sector of self-expression and pleasure. In leaving the culminating degree of Cancer, the Sun makes a powerful grand cross aspect with Pluto and the Lunar Nodes. This transit has the quality of existential catharsis, with a sense of artistic or sensual rebirth. Venus stations in the latter degrees of Leo today; her retrograde over the next six weeks supports reflection on topics related to desire, money, relationship, and pleasure through open-hearted curiosity. Listening to what feels joyful right now may help you reconnect to a sense of your natural heroic ambition. The fiery, self-oriented nature of these transits supports healthy ego development and may reveal personal shadows related to vanity or selfishness.

Chiron stations retrograde in your sign the following day on July 23rd, aspected by a trine from Mercury in Leo as it forms a square to Uranus in Taurus. The alignment reflects a generative state of tension between your creative projects and resources this month, possibly heralding unexpected news regarding financial opportunities or innovative business ideas. Chiron’s station retrograde in your sign may bring up core wounding around personal autonomy, self-confidence, and anger expression with the opportunity as well for healing. The interplay referenced above between Mercury and Uranus supports a process of interrupting self-limiting stories to realign your relationship to more vulnerable parts of yourself with the affirming heart-centered wisdom of Mercury in the sign of the Lion.

Mercury forms a conjunction with retrograde Venus in Leo on July 27th before entering Leo where your ruling planet already resides. This connection with Venus as the month ends highlights your ongoing process of identifying and articulating your heart’s desires and supports heartfelt conversations, emotional honesty, and romantic proclamations. It also suggests a reinvigoration of your creative, communicative capacity, which will enliven projects related to artistic or expressive functions heading into August.