Scorpio Horoscope for July 2023

Posted on June 30, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another powerful month for you, Scorpio, when you will be feeling the energy to make significant changes. It is important, as this goes on, that you recognize the distracting influence of consensus thought and your early conditioning to be more mirage than real. Inner commitment to your creative self-expression is alive and well, and yet is also suffused with a degree of confusion. This might yield when you can open your mind a bit wider to grasp the immensity of what is going on for you and for the world. The Full Moon of the 3rd contributes a sense of inevitability to what you are up to. There is a steep learning curve available although you must climb for it. Relationship surprises also inform your path as does intuition. A strong focus on goals and future planning comes along a week later that sets you up for the dynamic New Moon of the 17th, bringing you to a moment of real change. You have a sense that doing the right thing in whatever circumstance is vital although perhaps difficult at times, and might require intense inner transformation to enable you to get there.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

Last month's Gemini New Moon planted a seed in your shared resources and intimacy sector. This lunation may have stimulated much consideration regarding shared energetic and material circumstances or perhaps is centered an ongoing metamorphosis related to your psychological landscape or your home life. The New Moon also squared numinous Neptune in his domicile sign of Pisces, corresponding to your sector of creative self-expression. Neptune's influence could be essentially spiritual in scope and yet could also be leaving you unsure how emerging joint priorities or personal evolution will affect your creative visions or sense of life enjoyment. The first half of July illuminates a more practical course of action and expanded mutual understanding through communication and developments in your professional and public life.

This month begins under the influence of a square from Venus in Leo to Uranus in Taurus, from the July 1st to the 3rd, across your spheres of career and relationship, suggesting surprises on the partnership front or that you may be expressing yourself and your professional identity in a new way. This shift could be accompanied by an emerging sense of independence, possibly related to changes within intimate, collaborative, or business partnerships. This transit also indicates that your relationship provides a foundation of support, which might help free you from status-oriented concerns about how others perceive you. You may also feel a sense of mental clarity around this time due to Mercury's solar rebirth in your sphere of outer world expansion, signifying a revitalized focus on learning, travel, and spiritual pursuits that inspire you.

The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3rd represents a turning point related to your mind, communication, and local surroundings. This lunation might illuminate how your mental environment, the information you sustain it with — or the stories you tell yourself — build your world. The Moon's trine to Jupiter in Taurus supports conversations to clarify shared dreams with partners or other relationships, suggesting your partner might also act as a teacher by expanding your perspective and understanding. It might also shed light on how personal transformation related to eclipses across your axis of self and other has strengthened your capacity to form deep bonds of intimacy and trust. Ruled by Saturn in your sphere of self-expression, children, and joy, this lunation indicates that new shared goals may be connected to creative communication or learning projects, or you might be planning a move due to expanding your family or investing in a home with your partner.

You might experience a revitalizing thrust of energy in your social sphere around July 10th as Mars enters Virgo, which may also have you reconsidering what long-term goals remain authentic for you. Mercury also enters Leo today, forming an out-of-sign grand cross with Pluto and the Lunar Nodes as they prepare to depart the Scorpio-Taurus axis. This transit may call you back to the past, offering release through a confrontation with what lingers at the corners of your consciousness, possibly calling for forgiveness of certain long-held grudges and resentments. The trade-off is a recognition of how much you have grown and that you take your new understanding into the world with you. This transit points to the value of your psychic and energetic gifts of perception, which will resource you in professional activities that could occupy a considerable portion of your attention until at least September. Mercury's entrance into Leo, or your vocational sector, could align with greater recognition of your knowledge or skills or a shift in how you communicate publicly. If you are launching new ventures, you may want to consider doing so before Venus retrogrades on July 22nd.

The Cancer New Moon takes place on July 17th and returns focus to your sphere of outer expansion as the North and South Lunar Nodes of destiny additionally shift into Aries and Libra, forming a T-square to transformational Pluto, hovering on the edge of your home and family sector. The ongoing shifts in family energy, or related to your dwelling space or your psychological roots, continues . New horizons and adventure also may beckon at this lunation, and you may be setting intentions related to academic, travel, immigration, and spiritual endeavors or media projects. Mercury's square from Leo to Jupiter in Taurus suggests a collaborative work partnership or relationship provides fertile support to sustain your work in the world or that your professional success might help you to manifest and develop shared goals. The shift of the Lunar Nodes indicates significant beginnings and endings related to eclipses will now focus on your daily rhythms, responsibilities, and health, which provide new avenues for expansion and change over the next year and a half alongside your sphere of inner depth work and behind the scenes pursuits. You might find yourself shedding habituated behaviors and self-limiting narratives that affect your physical and mental health, or outdated work routines, caregiving patterns, and coping strategies. The influence of this nodal shift, combined with Chiron's station the following week on July 23rd, might open a space for integration around wounding related to individuality, self-assertion, and physical or mental illness through deepening your relationship to yourself or through healing work you might offer in service to others.

On July 20th, Mars in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces suggesting you may be frustrated in a collaborative artistic project or encounter conflict within social circumstances. While delays or disagreements may rouse impatience or anger, this transit could aid in a process of self-definition within your community that helps free you from old stories from the past. This transit might signal increased energy and commitment to artistic, leisure, and romantic activities or those related to children or creativity, which you might take more seriously in your evolving long-term dreams.

Leo season begins on July 22nd as the Sun moves into your vocation sector, the same day Venus that stations to retrograde motion. In leaving Cancer, the Sun makes a grand cross aspect with Pluto and the Lunar Nodes. This combination of events has the quality of rebirth, possibly by releasing internalized painful experiences. Connecting to your right to be seen and express yourself in the world could support you in making a powerful impact in your public or professional life around this time.

Over the next six weeks, Venus' retrograde may be a meaningful time of reflection and reorientation around desires and values that inform your outer ambitions, possibly accompanied by reversals of fortune, delays, or the return of people or projects from the past. While it may also align with new professional opportunities, be aware that you might change your mind as your landscape of desire evolves over the retrograde period.

Mercury’s forming a square to Uranus in Taurus, on the 22nd also, relates your professional and public life to that of your relationships, possibly indicating unexpected news that shifts your perspective on professional goals or innovative ideas or messaging emerging through collaborations.

Mercury forms a conjunction with retrograde Venus in Leo on July 27th before joining Mars in your community sector. You might be particularly eloquent at this time, aiding in harmonious conversation and emotional honesty with colleagues, collaborators, and your wider community that may help facilitate closure, compromise, or clarification of shared values and goals.

July has offered reorientation through release and review that may have helped you connect in new ways to your being in the world and to honor the parts of yourself that want to be seen and appreciated. This process is supported in coming weeks and will remain and deeply interwoven with your relationships, creative capacity, and commitment to whatever you are birthing into the world.