Sagittarius Horoscope for July 2023

Posted on June 30, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an interesting month for you, Sagittarius. You are in many ways focused on partnership and intimate connection with important others, and yet the mirror of relationship might also serve as significant stepping stone for your own spiritual explorations and evolutionary breakthrough. The legacy of the recent Gemini New Moon from last month in your opposite sign was to bring to the fore not only key relationships in your life but also a sense of wonder regarding your core psychology and the way that whatever goes on deep within you contributes to what you are meant to accomplish within your own subjective stance. The Full Moon of July 3rd emphasizes these themes, bringing issues of self and other to bear, emphasizing necessary partnership agreements, and yet also pulling you in the direction of your evolving mission statement. You are recognizing that what you create must contribute to the greater good in accordance with principles of right action and conscious service. The Last Quarter Moon of the 9th sees greater awareness of the links between outer world commitment and inner principle, while the Cancer New Moon of the 17th reinforces your intentions to be connected to others and yet being totally yourself, while furthering your own unique creativity.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

The effects of last month's Gemini New Moon in your partnership sector last through the first half of July. This emphasized joint commitments and how they relate to responsibilities and visions in your home and family sphere. Pluto, on the edge of your communications sector, was also highlighted in this New Moon, implying the transformation of your process of curiosity and thought, inspiring action. The New Moon also squared numinous Neptune, and his influence on this cerebral lunation may see you dancing, yet, between clarity and confusion. While this New Moon continues to stimulate a flurry of conversation, questions, and many ideas, the first two weeks of July could illuminate a more practical course of action. The plot will likely thicken as destiny and desire take the driver's seat this month, which may help you realign with a meaningful sense of life purpose.

On July 3rd the Capricorn Full Moon arrives, and falls in your personal resources sector, bringing up issues of self and other, as well as partnership agreements, and illuminating financial realities and connecting these to your intimate partners, home, and family. This lunation supports pragmatic approaches to fiscal matters and a possible need for boundaries with family and those in your domestic sphere, particularly related to material and energetic give and take. There may be changes in your income streams around this time due to jobs ending or new opportunities to capitalize on your gifts, with sudden shifts indicated by the influence of Venus' simultaneous square to Uranus. This aspect occurs across your spheres of outer expansion and daily work and health, possibly manifesting as an urge to liberate yourself from the doldrums of life's responsibilities and restrictive relationship dynamics, or you may be unexpectedly delighted by expansive new connections, teachers, and encounters with people from different walks of life.

Mars enters Virgo on July 10th, signaling a period of significant activity and energy regarding career or public ambitions. Mercury also crosses the threshold to Leo today, forming an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn across the axis of your shared and individual resources as it departs Cancer. This transit invokes the transformational power of absolute honesty, with yourself and others, and may facilitate revelation or profound conversations within intimate relationships that strengthen bonds or provide necessary clarity. It may also raise topics to do with death or endings and fears related to your desire for security and close connectedness being challenged by change. Powerful concentration and intellectual abilities can be harnessed in the days surrounding this transit. Mercury's entrance into Leo suggests an unburdening of your state of mind connected to an expanded sense of possibility in the world after a season of significant focus on more complicated aspects of life.

The Cancer New Moon in takes place on July 17th, initiating a new cycle regarding your deeply merged connections and trust that may be related to intimacy, business partnerships, and money matters. The North and South Lunar Nodes of destiny shifting into Aries and Libra today suggest you have arrived at a fated juncture. The Nodes also form a T-square at this timing with Pluto in Capricorn, lighting up the sectors in your solar chart related to creativity, community, and personal resources and skills. The powerful cardinal energy of this lunation suggests you are bringing something into the world that is connected to a sense of soul purpose, be it a child, business, or creative work. This process is additionally blessed by the generative growth of your ruling planet Jupiter, which is exalted in the sign of Cancer.

A square from Mercury in Leo to Jupiter in this New Moon suggests you might be wary of over-promising or the pitfalls of intellectual aggrandizement around this lunation. You may be experiencing a tension between expansive desires regarding learning, travel, spiritual pursuits, or new teaching or communicative opportunities and that of your daily responsibilities and duties to others. However, this transit suggests you can likely add such pursuits to the various projects, plans, responsibilities, and routines you may be artfully juggling right now.

The Lunar North Node is also moving into your sector of joy, romance, and creativity, indicating that matters of personal self-expression, joy, and children will become the site of significant beginnings and endings over the next year and a half. Goals related to this sector of your chart that require significant energy or fortitude will indicate you are on the right path.

On July 20th, Mars in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces which may reflect a frustrating pull between heightened activity in your professional life and domestic duties. While delays or more sober realities on the home front may rouse impatience or anger, this transit offers sustained, committed energy for meaningful endeavors you feel are worth sacrificing and working hard for.

Leo season begins on July 22nd, the same day Venus stations to retrograde, further emphasizing your sector of higher mind and outer expansion. As it leaves Cancer, the Sun forms a cardinal grand cross with the Lunar Nodes and Pluto. The nature of these transits, including the inexorable quality of Pluto opposing the Sun, suggests you have arrived at a crossroads where trust in life's unfolding plan may provide a sense of revitalized purpose through connecting to your authentic desires. As Venus retrogrades over the next six weeks, let your heart be the compass on your search for new horizons of understanding. Topics related to pleasure, love, money, and joy and how these values align with your beliefs may be areas of considerable reflection and realignment.

Chiron stations to retrograde in Aries on July 23rd, aspected by a separating trine from Mercury in Leo as it forms a square to Uranus in your health and service sector. This alignment opens up a dynamic space to engage with core wounding around personal autonomy and confidence in expressing your individuality, creativity, or desires. Integrating these vulnerable parts of yourself with affirming heart-centered understanding may help you break out of outdated habits to create new productive routines that support your health and larger ambitions rather than undermine them.

Mercury's conjunction with Venus in Leo before moving into your vocational sector on July 27th suggests that part of the Venus retrograde story is related to your career ambitions or sense of life calling. This planetary combination may be helpful to you in communicating your needs around pleasure, values, or money. This also suggests a reinvigoration of your creative communicative, teaching, and learning capacity, which could open new professional avenues.

With Mercury operating at full capacity in its ruling sign of Virgo, your vocational sector, and fueled by the co-presence of Mars, you might find yourself in a busy and fortuitous sphere of activity over the next two months. Channeling the energy available to you into projects related to communication, writing, or sharing your voice may be particularly productive now. It might be better to act before Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow on August 3rd.

July has asked you to engage in the dance of destiny and personal agency by leaning into your natural flexibility and by suspending dogmatic beliefs about how things should be. This process has perhaps opened a portal that can reconnect you to a sense of meaning through the centralizing solar purpose of your heart's true desire.