Leo Horoscope for October 2023

Posted on September 30, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is, Leo, an important month for you in terms of integration. You have been spending the recent weeks of Mercury Retrograde and recovery examining more closely your financial and other resources with an eye to where you might be heading. Your career situation is an essentially fortunate one right now with prominent Jupiter in that sector and presents a plethora of choices as your horizons begin to expand with this new phase you are entering. You are seeing life in a different perspective which changes everything. Discernment must be applied along with a good dose of the courage for new vision to take hold. The Solar Eclipse and New Moon of October 14th triggers significant magic. Your curiosity is endless now and leads you to some strange and interesting spaces. Looking inside leads directly to outer knowing. You might have to face a few inner demons along the way although, they, too, are there to participate in your rapid learning curve leading you to a better tomorrow. Accepting the past and its trials is a necessary first step. You are reintegrating your outer persona with all that you have inside, and in the process coming to a new conception of who you are.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at alea.balzer@gmail.com

October begins under the influence of the Virgo New Moon from last month in your resources sector, which remains a significant influence as that lunation cycle continues to evolve during the first half of the current month. Due to that configuration you could have found yourself pragmatically surveying your resources with a fine-toothed comb, introspectively meditating on their significance in your life, or that of the material world generally. This lunar cycle is also infused with Uranian surprises and unexpected enlightenment from that planet’s highlighted Taurus location – corresponding to your career sector. Your vocational ideas are many and diverse as the month begins, and you might be ready to jump the tracks of existing patterns if given half a chance.

The repeated interplay between your sectors of identity and career that characterized Venus’ recent retrograde through Leo also suggests you may be choosing a path of greater creative expression or prioritizing enjoyment and internal values in your professional setting. Perhaps you are conceiving of entrepreneurial ways to utilize your talents or assets in order to free yourself from oppressive work routines, or ways to do your work in the world in greater alignment with your most cherished values.

You begin the month with all inner planets now direct and Mercury finally out of its retrograde shadow moving through new degrees of Virgo. In its first three days, Mercury’s opposition to Neptune in your Pisces sphere of joint resources, personal transformation, and intimacy could diffuse the momentum. This may speak to a lack of clarity around contracts or energetic and material exchange within a closely merged relationship. The subsequent trine from Mercury to Pluto in Capricorn, active from the 3rd to the 4th, indicates changes in your daily work routines or responsibilities may be connected to financial realities, possibly inheritances or debts.

Pluto calls attention to matters of life organization, daily work, and health this early part of the month as it remains almost stationary in the sky, turning to direct motion on the 10th. It is also tied to building intensity in your Libra sector of mental process, learning, and local environment, where Mars in the month’s first week moves into a square with Pluto lasting from the 5th to the 9th. These transits put your communication and information consumption habits under the spotlight, potentially amplifying that it is time to let go of outdated patterns. This may include your inner dialogue or overstimulation as it relates to your work routines or learning pursuits.

On the 4th, Mercury joins the planetary build-up in Libra which might bring focus and aid in diplomatic communications if tensions have emerged within your intimate or business partnerships. As Libra is ruled by Venus, this may also correlate to a period of intense focus and energy devoted to learning or creative projects connected to inspiration emerging during the Venus retrograde, further indicated by a sextile from Venus to Mars from your sector of personal ambitions and identity. Mars’ square to Pluto might further empower such projects and your daily dedication to them.

Venus escapes her retrograde shadow on the 7th, coming into an opposition with Saturn in Pisces as it leaves your sign for Virgo the following day. Perhaps sparked by a reorientation around your values, passions, or self-presentation, a financial restructuring may now be necessary to support your priorities. Venus’ opposition to Saturn, active between the 7th and 9th, could align with a sense of consequence regarding your spending habits or a reality check related to an intimate partner. Perhaps you are taking your skills more seriously and looking over work contracts at this time or are involved in an asset separation process related to ending a relationship or business connection.

Mars enters Scorpio on the 11th. The connection between Mars and Pluto, Scorpio’s co-rulers, could thrust unconscious habits or wounding related to early foundational experiences into the light, with the potential for catharsis that may give rise to practical changes in your daily life. Strategic use of the energy at your disposal right now could be mobilized within the realms of your home, family, daily work, and health routines. Mars’ trine to Saturn in Pisces adds stamina, tying in topics of shared financial commitments, including property, renovations, and family estate or inheritance matters.

The Libra New Moon and Solar Eclipse arrives on the 14th, kicking off a major new development cycle in your Libra sphere of commination and learning that will play out over the next half year. With Venus stewarding this eclipse from Mercury-ruled Virgo in your house of resources, while Mercury is co-present in Libra, you are being called to value your mental process and share your voice. This may initiate a new period of learning or overcoming any fears of you judgment enabling you to develop confidence in your thoughts and instincts. You might consider the notion that what you have an affinity with and are curious about may also be curious about you – and being your bliss might eventually prove to be financially rewarding.

This idea of reciprocity in your relationship to others, and also to the animating forces of the world at large, might be interesting to consider in the coming months as you shed old modes of cognition and communication and embark on new cerebral and spiritual journeys. This might also relate to energetic or physical shifts in your locale and the people that populate it.

Your Libra communications sector continues to be an important activation point when Mercury joins the Sun there from the 18th to the 21st. Journaling over this short period may help you keep track of ideas and gain insight into your lens of perception, including the way you listen to others. A square from the Sun and Mercury to Pluto, highly activated from the 19th to the 21st, supports sharing your perspective, and may be particularly compelling. This period also lends power to learning or writing activities and issues of home and family, including your family of origin. The tension between your communication and day-to-day sectors this month may spotlight the influence of the environment you occupy and your daily responsibilities and habits on your mental health. Your important relationships could also be involved.

Topics related to your home, roots, and family may start to pull more focus from the 21st when Mercury enters Scorpio, closely followed by the Sun on the 23rd. Both planets form a trine to Saturn, indicating you may be investing much of your drive into shared strategies and deepening bonds. Be it related to your living situation, kin, or getting serious with a partner, what is emerging now may put you in good stead for the future, provided you are clear on what everyone is bringing to the table.

The final eclipse of the year takes place on the 28th with a Taurus Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in the sphere of your chart governing career and public image. This is the culmination of eclipses across your Taurus-Scorpio axis—you might look back to late 2021 and consider how topics related to your vocation, family, and foundations have evolved. As the energy closes out, certain professional ambitions or positions may also reach a conclusion. This eclipse is also ruled by Venus in your resources sector, suggesting what is coming to completion now is related to your gifts and skills, values, and feeling of abundance.

Emotions may be intensified around this time due to the influence of Mercury’s conjunction with Mars in Scorpio, which is active from the 27th until the 30th. Both planets form an opposition to Jupiter in Taurus, which could boost your good fortune in the work place, although beware of excess, or else perhaps signal a conflict with a boss or authority figure. While Uranus will continue to be in Taurus until 2026, and thus an unpredictable influence in your career sector, you may feel an increasing sense of self-determination in this important area, over the next year harnessing the power of Jupiter together with Uranus there for exciting and innovative growth.