Scorpio Horoscope for November 2023

Posted on October 31, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of contrasts, Scorpio, when you are bringing greater understanding to what is going on for you within the deeper layers of your psyche. The recent and quite powerful solar eclipse in Libra triggered this vast storehouse of unconscious material, so that your night-time dreams could be full of interesting material, and yet has also simultaneously imbued you with a more conscious sense of self. The ideal way forward for you therefore is to honor both of these parts, trying for integration. Your key relationships also come into this picture, especially during the first weekend of November. With the New Moon in your sign on November 13th, your intuition is brought even more greatly to the fore, along with the input of important partners. Surprise events and revelations are more than likely as you traverse new psychological territory and continue seeking a synthesis of inner and outer perspectives. All this can be overwhelming, as you scramble for a way of holding steady and taking it all in, as grist for your mill of change. You are forging the basis for a new confidence and in a sense of your own unique principles and values, in spite of everything.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

November begins under the distinct impact of the Libra New Moon from the middle of last month, initiating a strong thirty-day lunation cycle that still has two weeks to run in the current month. This is related to developments in your sphere of the subconscious, so that it could be profitable to write down your dreams as communications from these little-known internal parts of yourself. Because this New Moon configuration featured Uranus in your seventh sector, relationships in your life, or prospective partners, might light up your life in an unusual way and bring unexpected revelations. The Taurus Full Moon from four days before November 1st also represented a culmination of both inner work and also relationship development opening a different chapter related to your committed partnerships.

Eclipses are connected to longer cycles of change and growth that may take six months to play out. While you also enter the month immersed in the undertow of the Taurus Lunar Eclipse in the final days of October, it may also be with hindsight that you understand the larger impact of these lunations.

From November 1st to the 3rd, the Sun in your sign opposes Jupiter in Taurus, bringing expansion. You might need to beware of too much. Mercury's opposition to Uranus in Taurus from the 3rd to the 4th adds mental excitement, which may align with unexpected news or exciting future-oriented conversations within partnerships. These transits offer an emerging path of purpose and self-acceptance that may inspire radical honesty within your relationships. Considering the current Libra Moon cycle, figuring out how to attend to your needs alongside those of others may first call for an inner inquiry to identify what these are.

Also from the 1st to the 4th, there is a concurrent opposition from Venus in Virgo to Neptune in Pisces that brings in the importance of your community, friendships, and long-term goals, as well as themes to do with self-expression, children, and happiness. This transit may speak to an ongoing process of discernment within your social sphere or an artistic project or inspiration you want to collaborate on or share. Perhaps a new dream for your life is crystalizing, as further indicated by Saturn stationing direct in Pisces on the 4th in your creativity sector. This shift could contribute to a sense of isolation, delays, or hard work, also representing slow progress perhaps related a period of particularly since the beginning of Saturn’s retrograde from mid-June.

From the 5th to the 8th, a trine from Venus to Pluto residing in your communications sphere accompanies Venus' departure from Virgo into its home sign of Libra. Renewal in your social connections and long-term goals likely relates to ongoing changes in your mental state, communication and information consumption habits, and the environment you regularly occupy. Venus' ingress into your sector of the subconscious – as the current Libra lunation cycle wanes – emphasizes the role of deeper explorations into your shadows or less known parts of yourself within this process. This transit could align with a feeling of inner wellbeing, where you may be enjoying time alone, working on creative projects behind the scenes, or experiencing the benefits of a spiritual practice.

On the 9th, Mercury moves into Sagittarius, corresponding to your sphere of personal resources and skills, which will pull your focus for the rest of the month and may also brighten your mindset. You may harness the expansive frame of mind offered by this ingress to access new ideas related to your income, assets, or monetizing your gifts. A square from Mercury to Saturn in Pisces on the 9th and 10th may arrive with future-focused thoughts or serious conversations. These could be related to your artistic skills, romantic partners, or children. Saturn's presence may highlight the need for restraint or the burden of limitation around spending due to the evolution of these topics.

The New Moon of November 13th in your sign amplifies the axiomatic truth that new growth emerges from decay, placing a similar stress across your axis of self and other that characterized the Taurus Lunar Eclipse last month. Mars' conjunction with the luminaries, which oppose Uranus in Taurus, indicates that changes in your partnerships now give rise to a new cycle related to your personal development, self-presentation, and identity. Letting go of an attachment or attempts to control a situation may reinvigorate your sense of purpose and potency. With your ruling planet Mars in your sign, or your embodiment sphere, it may be helpful to move energy or anger through your body via exercise or any intense practice that supports physical or emotional release. Accessing the courage to share a vulnerable or complicated part of yourself may energize an existing relationship or allow a more authentic partnership to enter your life.

When the Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd, closely followed by Mars on the 24th, new frontiers of values, resources, or finances are further emphasized. Both planets encounter Saturn in Pisces by square as they cross this threshold. Saturn's presence could call for restraint around spending due to the evolution of topics related to pleasure, children, and self-expression. These transits may help you conceive of creative approaches to structuring your finances that support you to do more of what you love, or perhaps an evolution in your values now materializes as changes in what you enjoy or spend money on.

The Gemini Full Moon of the 27th lights up your house of personal metamorphosis, intimacy, and joint resources. Pointing to the influence of what was seeded at the New Moon in your identity sector, this is a fulfillment of a certain quality of growth that has carried you far. A square in this lunation from its ruler Mercury, in Sagittarius, to Neptune in Pisces signifies that articulating and feeling into your inspired ambitions helps you access support to materialize them. This could include the merging of resources deriving from intimate relationships or fruitful arrangements of business and creative collaborations. Mars in close range to the Sun and in a fading square to Saturn might aid in severing ties that have kept you stuck. This time could also align with a reality check related to debt or contractual issues. The ongoing friction this month between available resources and going your own way with your creativity may bring up the ways you have managed to earn money from artistic gifts or passions, and offer you the enthusiasm and fortitude to maintain inspiration and propel you away from creative stagnation.