Gemini Horoscope for December 2023

Posted on November 30, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an interesting month for you, Gemini. Mercury, your ruler, located in your opposite sign of Sagittarius in the recent Scorpio New Moon, presages in this current month relationship being more greatly featured as a life factor. Of course, as well, partners contribute greatly to your understanding of yourself in the deeper layers of your being. Career commitments are also very important to you now, as you emerge into a new structure there. Paradoxically, while you are dealing with being out in the world in a new way, you are also tuned to the inside of your psyche with a strong presence of intuitional awareness that has become, over previous weeks and months, increasingly difficult to ignore. This does not fit in with logic and rationality, transcending this more normative approach. You are beginning to more fully recognize an interior call to deep purpose that transcends purely logical investigation. As the Sagittarius New Moon dawns on December 12th, when Mercury also stations to retrograde motion in your intimacy sector, you might find yourself questioning certain aspects of your partnership requirements and arrangements, perhaps preparing for alternate approaches. This entire month represents a magical and transformative time that will eventually result in alteration and evolution in your beliefs and worldview.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The health and routine sector of your chart got a powerful reset in mid-November with the potent Scorpio New Moon taking place there and still carrying its influence well into December. You may have been in the process of restructuring your schedule so that you can have more time for yourself and take better care of your body. You may also be in the process of realizing all the superfluous chores that can be let go in order to make room for more peace and quiet in your life. You may be craving a slower pace amidst your responsibilities and December may offer some space for you to organize your time better and delegate some of your obligations. People around you could be willing to help and it may be easier to let go of the reins even just temporarily and let someone else take charge.

On the 1st of December, Mercury your ruler enters Capricorn corresponding to your sector of intimacy, transformation, and exploring your own depths. In doing so, Mercury forms a sextile from the 1st to the 2nd with limiting Saturn (in Pisces, your vocational sector) which may emphasize negotiations or important dialogues taking place at work or in your personal life. This aspect between Mercury and Saturn will occur twice more until mid-January due to Mercury turning retrograde later this month. There may be an emphasis on restructuring or reflection related to the roles you play within a community or you may feel a need to slow down and assess your responsibilities in the weeks ahead.

The Sagittarius New Moon arrives on December 12th – an important marker in the month. This New Moon in your opposite sign signals the beginning of a fresh thirty-day cycle centered on your relationship sector. Saturn, emphasized in this New Moon in Pisces, the sign of Jupiter’s traditional rulership, symbolized a strong push on your part for prioritizing outer world vocational context while Jupiter himself, in Taurus and currently extremely well-aspected by the New Moon, Mars, and a stationing Mercury, rules over this New Moon and is signifies a desire for inner knowing as well as unconscious delight pleasure, indulgence, and ease. This may be a good time to set intentions relating to what kind of people you want to surround yourself with while also letting go of the need to please anyone and everyone. The people who love you should be able to respect your boundaries and you also should be able to assert your boundaries if someone has crossed the line.

Later that day, Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn on the late evening of the 12th in the part of your chart relating to shared resources and partnerships. Mercury will be moving retrograde for the next three weeks – until the evening of the 1st, New Year’s Day. Negotiations or important dialogues taking place over this period of time may take a while longer to clarify, and it may also be a good time to assess the benefits that come from your associations. You are entering a period of time best reserved for deep reflection regarding where you are heading and why, especially in the context of your most important relationships. You will come out the other side, in late January, with a better understanding in these areas of future direction and more balanced partnership. The issues may also have to do with work responsibilities and it could also relate to someone in your life being able to lend their support more directly.

On the 21st, the Sun enters Capricorn, which in the Northern Hemisphere signals the Winter Solstice and the longest night of the year. Venus in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus may emphasize underlying stressors so that it may feel harder to release tension at this time especially if you are really busy. Mercury Retrograde also meets the Sun the next day in the first degree of Capricorn which can add to the information or insights that you need right now. Another day later, and Mercury re-enters Sagittarius – your opposite sign – and there will continue to emphasize partnerships or perhaps the compromises you must make in your relationships to receive the support that you need.

The Cancer Full Moon culminates on December 26th and takes place in the part of your chart that relates to your income, resources and more extensively your values. This configuration is supported by both Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces. The alignment of Saturn in Pisces with this Full Moon may bring satisfaction for a job well done. In the midst of the Mercury Retrograde time of deep introspection, you may be able to take stock of your accomplishments in a major way and reflect on how far you have come since the beginning of the year. If you have been working in the right direction, there may be a sense of greater autonomy over your life trajectory and your ambitions.

On the 27th, Mercury and Mars conjunct in your opposite sign of Sagittarius while they are both squaring Neptune emphasizing collaborations, perhaps strong opinions. People will almost certainly have a lot to say and be quicker to jump to conclusions. You might need to put some water in your wine, as they say, and refuse to take everything that comes your way at face value.

Venus enters Sagittarius on the 29th, boosting your relationship picture, while Jupiter stations direct in Taurus on the 30th presenting you with a joyful sense of your unconscious process and requisite inner work as you head into the next year with the mandate for you next evolutionary stage. You could feel like laying low at home this New Year’s either alone or surrounded with the people you love.