Aquarius Horoscope for December 2023

Posted on November 30, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of more fully exploring your outer world persona, Aquarius, along with the way that this more public part of you intersects with your private world of home and family. The recent Scorpio New Moon from mid-November had an influence lasting through the first full week of December – emphasizing career goals and how your important focus there can seek to be positively aligned with your most sincere values. This theme continues with the Sagittarius New Moon of the 12th, when your future plans and the societal impact that you are able to generate becomes your focus. All through, this more public and career-oriented part of yourself is being balanced with private concerns of home and family that continue to be another significant area for you. After the 12th, Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn, corresponding to your sector of unconscious process, is therefore also an introspective and self-reflective time when you are more closely examining your inner world. It can also be said that your true goal in to find those inner values to which you most thoroughly aspire, and proceed to work your outer world responsibilities in accord with these, over and above the distractions of your early conditioning and consensus thinking.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

December begins two thirds of the way through the lunation cycle that was initiated by the potent Scorpio New Moon from mid-November. This powerful reset continues its momentum well into December, bringing your focus to things related to your goals, ambitions, your professional life, or your overall trajectory. Social networking might play into this. Because Uranus was highlighted in this New Moon, there could also continue to be surprises on your home front including a ongoing shower of unexpected events and surprise revelations connected with familial dynamics, or perhaps to your dwelling itself.

On the 1st, Mercury enters Capricorn and forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces which may bring greater lucidity surrounding the ways in which you communicate. You may become aware of the contrast between what you say and what you think and it may be an opportunity to become more intentional in your communications.

Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on the 2nd and the 3rd before it enters Scorpio on the 4th and this could bring a desire for greater honesty in all your dealings. While Venus transits in Scorpio, your ambitions could be aroused so that it may be a good opportunity to get real about what you want at this time. Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces on the 5th and

Neptune stations direct on the 6th could emphasize your creative side and this could be channeled at work.

The Sagittarius New Moon arrives on December 12th and takes place in your social sector signaling the beginning of a cycle that relates to friends and community. Jupiter ruling over the sign of Sagittarius is separating from an opposition with Venus at the time of the New Moon, emphasizing your private and public worlds. Although there is new momentum for social connections and pleasure, parts of you may not feel totally involved in the world at this time. Your family and your home may be important to you and its a good time to strive for equilibrium between your social and private side.

Mercury in Capricorn stations retrograde on the late evening of the12th beginning a three-week or more process that could find you revising your general outlook, your dreams and the unconscious patterns that stand in the way of you experiencing more joy and happiness in your life. It may be easier to access deeper parts of your psyche in the coming weeks and reflect on aspects of your behaviors that may relate to early conditioning. Mercury trines Jupiter on the 18th for the 2nd time this month which may point towards these internal dialogues. This should be a positive process that takes place naturally over the next several weeks so there is no need to force things.

The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st which signals the Capricorn Solstice and, in the Northern Hemisphere, the beginning of Winter and the longest night of the year. Capricorn Season emphasizes the sector of your chart that relates to your unconscious and this time of the year brings opportunities to take stock before the Sun enters your sign in mid-January. Although this is a highly social time, you may find yourself increasingly needing space to think and reflect during this second half of December. Mercury conjoins the Sun in Capricorn on the 22nd before exiting the sign and re-entering Sagittarius for the rest of the month. This could help in keeping a sense of perspective and bring warmth within your social interactions.

The Full Moon in Cancer culminates on the 26th supported by a trine from Saturn in Pisces, illuminating the health and routine sector of your chart and the ways in which you like to take care of yourself and care for the people you love. There may be more cooking and baking than usual as the sign of Cancer relates to nourishment; feeding others is also a love language. Your focus on what you believe inside and what you give to others, in career or in your values, is intense. Make sure you can let others take care of you at this time as needed; you might get by without trying to shoulder all of the responsibilities and you may find that letting go of the need to be a mature adult at all times is exactly what the doctor ordered.

The last week of December should be generally pleasant and although you may not feel extremely social, there could be many opportunities to connect with others at home, with your family or with your friends. Mercury conjunct Mars in Sagittarius on the 27th while they are both squaring Neptune, and this could emphasize your social values and your aspirations for the new year. Venus entering Sagittarius on the 29th and Jupiter stationing direct on the 30th could bring more festive energies to ring in the New Year and genuine new direction being offered you in the form of intuitional visioning.