Aries Horoscope for August 2013

Posted on August 1, 2013 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an interesting summer, Aries. You are meeting self in novel ways, in the wake of the meditative Mercury Retrograde period from last month in your sector of home, family and tribe. You have been experimenting with familial connection in many different modalities. And yet, all your relations take you further into your own world, awaiting you in intriguing fashion, as long as you have the patience and the inclination to explore this vast and yeasty inner terrain. As you continue to find a subtle and somewhat nebulous satisfaction in getting both further and more mystically structured, you are experiencing startling new insights almost daily. The real task for you is merely to remain as receptive as possible, and to stay fully open to all your possibilities.

As the month begins, you are still coming down from a rather intense Last Quarter Moon at the beginning of the current week in which all four outer planets — Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto — were activated. Your ruler Mars was coming into square with Uranus and conjunct Jupiter. The symbolism suggests that you will continue to be experiencing sudden insights all through the present month of August. The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, located in your sector of home, family and tribe, briefly opposes Pluto, while Saturn and Neptune in trine formation are also activated. This key sector of your solar chart corresponds to issues of root psychological needs, and as well your familial and tribal connections and needs, to include considerations of your dwelling space or land-based security. All these areas have been up for expansion, reorientation and transformation over these last few days before August 1st, with transformation uppermost.

All this past month Mercury has been retrograde in this same sector, so that the above areas have been subject to a meditative awareness that perhaps does not come naturally to your extremely active mind. With the Sun now located in your creativity sector your self-expression has been undergoing a sea-change in quality and quantity as you find ways to express what is going on for you deep down inside. There are rumblings of prior trauma that has been internalized as fragile and sensitive places walled-off within you. These are now coming closer to being able to be expressed and known, and eventually accepted by your more conscious understanding.

With Pluto highlighted in your career sector, also being activated this month is the way that you actualize in terms of outer world events. The changes that you are going through right now are also related to the presence of Neptune and Chiron in your sector of dream imagination and inner work. You find that whatever you do in the physical world, even of the most mundane variety, must be done with the recognition of soul purpose behind it. For example, if you relate to customers in your line of work, you must do it with compassion or else you will be missing one important part of the cosmic message. The same is true whatever task you perform; these tasks must be done with heart to be truly viable for you, or else they become an empty exercise; thus they will be a better fit with the scheme of things that you are beginning to find within yourself.

With Saturn currently located in your intimacy sector, and still aspecting Neptune, an aspect that morphs and changes, and then begins to retreat, as the weeks of this month's lunation cycle continues to unfold, you might find that you are somewhat shut down in your responses to others around you. While perhaps difficult, this has the benefit of allowing you to embody more fully focused your attention on your own process of growing awareness to your deeper needs. There is some truth to the notion that you have been put into this life to spiritually grow, pure and simple. By that by fulfilling that one objective, all else becomes satisfactory.