Cancer Horoscope for August 2013

Posted on August 1, 2013 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of vision and of new awakening for you, Cancer. You are stirred in unexpected ways at this time. Since the recent month-long retrograde of Mercury through your identity sector has passed, you are also likely to be mulling over the events in your life with the idea of rewriting the script. You are determined at this time to stand strong in a more uniquely individual attempt to be yourself and nothing but. You are feeling a sense of graceful epiphany and also sensing the transformational pressure to use this sense of fortunate progress to get on with what, indeed, you now feel that you came here to do; however that idea strikes you and whatever the task is that you feel most connects you to your deepest purpose.

As the month begins, you are likely reflecting on the week's events, which were initiated in correspondence with the very powerful Last Quarter Moon of the final Monday of July, when the Moon —of course a planet of special affinity for your sign — and Venus formed a six-pointed star with most of the outer planets: Jupiter, residing in your sign, Saturn in your self-expression sector, Neptune in its own sign of Pisces and forming your sector of higher mind activity, and finally, Pluto in your relationship sector. All these outer planet energies remain powerful factors for you, for August.
With Saturn so prominent recently you have probably been feeling the pinch of extra tasks and of an extraordinary sense of responsibility regarding in particular your creative output. This lasts to some degree all summer, well into the present month. Especially true in July, with the retrograde of Mercury through your sign, everything takes longer, or runs into snags, or has to be re-done several times. This can be extremely frustrating, and yet it has its reward in terms of long-lasting effects; it is a truism after all that what comes easily is not retained, while what comes to you by dint of hard effort stays with you.
Meanwhile there is this almost enforced creative output due to some form of mandate to produce. This has its nebulous side, since Neptune continues in trine with Saturn and brings an ethereal quality into the picture. Your worldview is expanding in unforeseen ways, and these new ways of perceiving involve the unseen and relatively little understood dimensions of life that are tied up with unconscious process. Your creative output, even as you strive to achieve it, partakes of this otherworldly element.
With Pluto emphasized in your relationship sector, the energy that you have for others is in some way radically changing. This is a big theme for August, and in fact, the Uranus-Pluto square continues to be prominent in your solar chart, for the remainder of the year and decade (punctuated by the November 1st exact hit). What form these changes will take depends entirely on what factors you need, at soul-level, to transform. The details are really up to you, but in cooperation with the surrounding cosmos, within the hidden spaces of some deeper part of your being, you know what it is that you have to do.