Aries Horoscope for March 2014

Posted on February 27, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

The roller-coaster journey of this climactic year continues, Aries. This month you ride the waves into the next installment of your looming transformation. Inner work is definitely up as you reexamine key areas, not least of these being relationships of all stripes, including business partnerships. Many other areas are in various stages of coming to a new dawning; in particular, the way that you meet the world is in process of a huge seismic shift. This applies as well to career moves and actually to every way that you actualize and relate. This is not to say that the metamorphosis you find yourself in the midst of is anybody else's story but your own. You are the chief architect and planner, as well as the one who must execute on the eventual details.

The scope of your month is vitally involved with the Pisces New Moon of February 28th that nearly began it, and additionally, the backward motion of your ruler, Mars, through the relationship sector of your solar chart. Mars stations retrograde on March 1st, and his influence is actually amplified as such, as well as proffered at more internal levels. Your explorations of what it means to be in relationship are colored by your highly excitable state and as well by the harmonizing energy of Libra with that sign's sense of compromise, poise, and a concern for fairness. There is thus a contrast between your individualized self-motivated stance and the enticing concept of partnership participation. As you mull over and redefine for yourself what it means to be in relationship with another, there is a fire blazing in your heart to be in authentic connection. You win when you acknowledge this and let your intuition guide you to what truly counts for you in this important area.

Since you find Mars in almost exact square to Venus in Capricorn as the month begins, and in sesquiquadrate to the New Moon, this suggests an extra-strong emphasis on relationship in general, and for business partnerships also, with a degree of emotional volatility there that may require some deep breaths on your part. You benefit when you are able to pay attention to the information about your unconscious realms that come to the fore to be revealed to you through all your interpersonal interactions.

Your inner world is simply buzzing, as there is a flurry of activity deep within your psyche in what could be termed either your unconscious self or your spiritual world. Your dreams are powerful now, and one clue to what is going on inside you. Being strongly aspected by the New Moon, Jupiter is also highlighted in your sector of home, family and your psychological roots. There is a sense of supportive expansion and optimism stemming from your family or home life right now, which could manifest as additional persons in the mix, remodel plans getting underway, or extra enthusiasm for familial connection in your life in general.

Your quest to free yourself from conventionality is also playing a vital role in your spiritual development as well as in your home life, as you can see when you consider that Uranus is also in powerful semi-sextile to the New Moon, and all month long in square to Jupiter. This provides you with vital energy as you move forward. Pluto in close square with Uranus, as their famous collision approaches for another extra-potent exact hit next month, is elevated in this New Moon chart, positioned in your career sector. Your relationship to authority is therefore in flux, with one pole being your fierce urge to go your own way and walk your own path, and the other being how you are crafting a new and less confrontative relationship to authority.

Pluto also is in opposition to Jupiter in Cancer, suggesting that accessing your native optimism not only provides your very being with nourishment and support in these times of great transition, but also is crucial in keeping you anchored and grounded while the winds of change continue to whip around you as this month and the next unfold; these trials are hopefully allowing you to be stirred but not shaken.