Aries in Astrology

Aries Period: March 21 - April 19
Aries Mode: Cardinal
Aries Element: Fire
Ruling Planet of Aries: Mars
House Ruled by Aries: First
Aries Polarity: Positive

Most Compatible Zodiac Signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius
Least Compatible Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio
Opposite Zodiac Sign: Libra

Aries people tend to be energetic, forceful and outgoing. They are good at getting things done, although they prefer starting to finishing. Like the energy of the first rush of spring, they move into the world in a headstrong, pioneering way. Aries people are likely to rush into things before reflecting, and may also be impatient or unwilling to sit back and allow events to mature. They have great vitality and a tremendous need to be physically active.

Aries people have a strong will, and are self-centered about pursuing it, so that they may try to dominate other people until they learn to be more subtle about getting their way. They also have an acute need for love and affection. Aries people benefit from self-discipline, so that they can channel their abundant energy more constructively.

Aries Horoscope for October 2024

This is a month when, in the process of understanding your path, Aries, it is yet the important others in your life that are your current lodestone. This extreme focus on partnership is indicated by the Libra New Moon of October 2nd taking place your opposite sign, referencing the relationship sector of your solar chart. This potent New Moon represents a dramatic...

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Aries by Element and Mode

The element related to Aries is Fire.

The Fire element is masculine or yang, and is active and outer expressive in its basic nature. It corresponds with the Jungian typology of Intuition. Fire is a radiant form of energy that brings light to the world around it, enthusiastic and excitable, self-oriented, impatient and essentially optimistic. It is represented in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire people are honest to a fault, freedom loving and often insist on their own point of view. They live in the idealism of great thoughts and deeds.

The mode of Aries is Cardinal.

Cardinal signs are outgoing, creative rather than passive, representing self-starters who make their will power known.

Ruling Planet of Aries

The ruling planet of Aries is Mars.

Mars is the planet of outward activity and animal passion. It rules Aries and is exalted in Capricorn. This fiery planet is masculine in action, versus softer more receptive Venus. When strong in the chart it can indicate a volatile temper, and also great courage. Its position indicates how your personality will assert itself, and what modes of activity will stimulate your physical energies.

Learn more about the other astrological signs of the zodiac...

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