Aquarius Horoscope for October 2024

Aquarius Horoscope for October 2024

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting and perhaps confounding month for you, Aquarius, with some intense twists. The New Moon and solar eclipse of October 2nd is quite powerful for you, with a great deal of almost philosophical thought being engendered to stem the tide of transformation that has engulfed you since Pluto’s recent entrance into your sign, returning there this fall. You might recognize that things are inevitably changing, and yet it is quite another step to accept this as in your best interest as you evolve. Mercury’s conjunction with the eclipse degree implies a thoughtful time of re-evaluation. A grand trine within this extra-potent New Moon also speaks to unifying heart and mind, career objectives with your own private principles and values, plus service to others and to self. You can make the start for a better integration there. The Aries Full Moon of the 17th is another potent lunation, perhaps bringing everything to a head, including career considerations, along with a determination that your inner world, as well as your outer world initiative, makes for an important part of your mission in this lifetime. This is nothing less than to be your most authentic self that you can muster, at all costs.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Your astro month begins with the extremely potent solar eclipse and Libra New Moon on October 2nd, which is like a supercharger landing in your vision sector; and this is the sector that includes your societal connection and contribution. You could be contemplating big ideas and even bigger projects as the month of October begins and even though you may not have all the details ironed out, you could have the motivation. Mercury is conjunct this New Moon, and rules your sector of creative projects, romance, and joyful experiences, so this is a plus for energy and optimism. This is a thoughtful and productive time. Supportive aspects between Venus in Scorpio, Saturn in Pisces, and Mars in Cancer in this New Moon means that this month your work is flowing relatively smoothly, and things could feel progressive. You may have to be mindful as you go to get your best results.

On October 9th, Jupiter turning to retrograde motion in Gemini could be your cue to focus on the essentials. Jupiter is trine Mercury and sextile Chiron, implying that your communication could be heartfelt and even address issues of inner wounding that you have perhaps been thinking about. Such idea could and may continue to be a work in progress as you learn to prioritize your wellbeing. In spite of this big showing of Jupiter, it might be helpful to consider that sometimes less is more.

Pluto turning direct in Capricorn on October 11th signals an extra potency to his transformational effects, as he heads back into your sign by mid-November. You may have been feeling inspired to take your most cherished internal values more seriously especially as these relate to your career and professional goals, and this station could be a time of further exploring this idea.

The Aries Full Moon culminates on October 17th in your sector of communication, curiosity, and learning, in conjunction with Eris, Feminine Warrior for soul intention. Your discussions with friends and family will likely be rich with the deeper meaning of what you are up to at this current stage, and where you see how it could go from here. This could be your opportunity to take stock of your workload and assess things realistically, including the more profound factors of your actual agenda for yourself moving forward.

You could experience a shift in your intuition, your attitude, and where you want to invest your energy as the Sun in Libra forms a square with Pluto before it enters Scorpio on the 22nd. The Last Quarter Moon of the 24th may then feel like a benediction of fire. This could feel difficult, but do not mistake difficult for a barrier however as your intuition may be guiding you toward a new path that hasn’t yet appeared.

On the 27th and the 28th Venus in Sagittarius squares with Saturn in Pisces. You may therefore be more aware of your limitations as the month of October comes to its close. You win if you can trust the process at play without losing faith in yourself. Remember that, more often than not, necessity is the mother of invention – so that it pays to think outside the box and to have faith in the magical potion that is the future.

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