A New Moon of Continued Transformation

A New Moon of Continued Transformation

Monday morning’s Cancer New Moon at 24 + degrees of the sign, almost 25, takes place at 11:30 am PT, therefore early to late afternoon for points east, and is quite an active lunation, with the Sun and Moon in aspect to Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and also Eris, the new planet beyond Pluto in the Kuiper Belt. Pluto, residing in late Capricorn, and opposed by...

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A Full Moon of Innovation and Setting Out in Different Directions

A Full Moon of Innovation and Setting Out in Different Directions

Monday morning’s Full Moon, taking place about 4:30 am PT, later morning for the east coast and Europe, represents the flowering of an intensely transformational lunation cycle that began two weeks back in the timing of the Cancer Solstice. This current Full Moon in Capricorn is trine Jupiter, with Venus closely square Uranus, and therefore brings forth a...

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A Thoughtful Gemini New Moon with the Need for Discernment

A Thoughtful Gemini New Moon with the Need for Discernment

Saturday evening’s late Gemini New Moon takes place on June 17th at 9:37 PM PT, early morning the next day for the east coast and Europe, and features a powerful square alignment to Neptune in late Pisces, a perfect 90-degree aspect within a degree of exactitude, implying that we must contend with the Neptune archetype at this time in everything that we do....

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A Full Moon of Inspiration and Truth

A Full Moon of Inspiration and Truth

The Sagittarius Full Moon this month arrives on Saturday, June 3rd, exact at 8:42pm Pacific Time, occupying 13º Sagittarius opposite the Sun in the same degree in Gemini. This Full Moon may illuminate our sense of expansion, our hopes and dreams, and our quest for universal truth as we evolve. Jupiter, the planet that rules Sagittarius, is currently embroiled...

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A Taurus New Moon of Full Spectrum Experience

A Taurus New Moon of Full Spectrum Experience

The Taurus New Moon arrives on Friday May 19th, as the stormy cosmic weather of Eclipse Season begin to clear, and yet there’s no shortage of intensity brought by this configuration. Coming into exact position at 8:53 am PT, at 28º+ of Taurus,  we find the Sun and Moon, Uranus, Mercury, the North Node, and (as of very recently) Jupiter, all...

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