Happy Sagittarius Season!

Happy Sagittarius Season!

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

From November 21 to December 21, 2017 the Sun moves through the sign of Sagittarius!


Sagittarius is an optimistic, positive-thinking sign associated with the quest for freedom from all restriction as well as idealism, religion and philosophy.

Sagittarians are direct and forthright, good-natured and affirmative in their outlook. They tend to speak with a blunt tongue, which can get them into trouble at times, although they are usually able to laugh themselves out of it. Sagittarians display honesty, strong morals, and a distinct love of nature. They also like to have fun and enjoy a good chuckle, even at their own expense. They gravitate toward adventure, sports and travel, as well as gambling and other forms of risk-taking.

They are likely to be very curious about the world around them, with a contagious enthusiasm for exploration of all kinds. At the highest level, Sagittarians are concerned with understanding, perception, and mental activity in the service of their high ideals for the benefit of mankind.

Click here to continue reading about the Sagittarius Zodiac Sign.


When the Sun moves into and through Sagittarius there is a lightening and expansion, which seems especially palpable in contrast to the dark Scorpionic passage of the previous 30 days. This Sagittarius Season is quite eventful in terms of astrological configurations. It begins on the coattails of a fading square between power house Pluto and reactive Mars, and then ebbs into a week or so of calmer waters. Then Mercury stations retrograde late on Dec 2nd conjunct Saturn, which signals a tremendous slow down and inward-turning energy. This could appear in the context of the typical miscommunications and malfunctions. Because Mercury also aspects Neptune as it stations, there is a strong spiritual component as well, which could also manifest as confusion or delusion. During this time Saturn is moving through the final degrees of Sagittarius, implying that a big three-year cycle is wrapping up or completing in some way, as he then enters into his own sign of rulership, Capricorn. Overall, this period will be a time that is conducive to self-reflection, mindfulness, and revised estimations. We are slowing down to take stock, as we near the end of the year, on what has been a tumultuous and intense 2017.

November 22 — Neptune Stations Direct in Pisces:
When the lord of all things nebulous appears to stand still in the sky, you may notice his influence heightened. For a few weeks, all things spiritual are amplified, including inspirational attitudes and seeking to flow in the big proverbial Ocean of Love. There could also be a tendency to unconsciously deceive yourself (or others), or tune out difficult realizations in favor of floating around in a bliss bubble, turning to comforts or in extreme circumstances, addictions, to cope with discomfort.

December 1-24 — Venus in Sagittarius:
Leaving the depths of Scorpio where she is in a weakened state, our lovely lady Venus is relieved to saunter into the more jovial realms of Sagittarius. Because Jupiter now rules Venus, and continues his stay in Scorpio, there is still a tone of depth searches regarding all forms of relationships, seeking out the true motivation. We can also expect to see greater merriment, heart expansion and enthusiasm to explore loving connection. This placement also indicates a tendency to overextend in relationship, put the cart before the horse, or overdo it on the good things in life (ie pumpkin pie, ginger bread cookies, Uncle Dave’s special eggnog, holiday spending, etc.)

December 2-22 — Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius:
Yes, it’s that time, again. While notorious for missed connections and logistical snafus, this time is actually very conducive for inner reflection and taking time to rest, recalibrate, and take stock of priorities. This particular retrograde begins with Mercury conjunct Saturn, which is another major indication that it’s time to SLOW DOWN. In the mundane sense, it is wise to build in extra time to get from here to there to avoid rushing and causing accidents, and take extra care in our communication and actions. If you’re traveling for the holidays, be mentally prepared with some backup plans and options so that you can handle any snags in your plans that do arise. There’s no need to expect that things will go awry, although the likelihood is that some time, and somewhere, they will. Mercury Retrograde does have a way of reminding us to slow down, be mindful, and flexible if we get too rigid or rushed in our agendas. Perhaps a saying from Confucius can help us adopt an appropriate attitude for Mercury Retrograde: “The green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in a storm.”

December 9 - January 26 — Mars in Scorpio:
Masculine Mars is strong and very at home in Scorpio, since it is the sign of his rulership. We may see a resurgence of Scorpionic themes – intensity, depth, and the impetus to leave no stone unturned. Jupiter is already there in Scorpio, and dwelling simultaneously with Mars in his abode can exacerbate or further inflame the collective and personal shadow material that has been arising between the masculine and feminine principles. With the Sun and other personal planets having moved along into Sagittarius– which is ruled by Jupiter– collectively there may be more openings and opportunities to learn from our wounding and pain, and to find our own sense of transformed, empowered truth within that context.

December 19 — Saturn moves into Capricorn:
Hallelujah, Saturn is moving into his own sign!! Saturn moves quite slowly, spending 2-3 years in each sign, and has been traveling through Sagittarius since late 2014, where his conservative energies are somewhat antithetical with the expansive attitude of Sagittarius. As Saturn now ingresses into the sign of his rulership, Capricorn, the structure and foundation that his archetype provides can be manifested into material form with more ease. He will also get some distance from the trine he’s been making with unpredictable Uranus, perhaps allowing us to settle down for a few months and regain our bearings. Saturn in Capricorn is extra helpful for those who are inclined toward taking responsibility, keeping a tight schedule, productivity, and career ambition. If you are someone who struggles with self-discipline, commitment, or sticking to a project, this energy may feel more of a challenge, although it holds plenty of gifts for you as well. To accept the call of Saturn is to assume greater personal responsibility and worldly achievement. Saturn will travel through Capricorn for several years, until March 2020.

Happy Birthday Sagittarius!! Around your birthday is the auspicious time each year when the Sun returns to the same point in the sky as it was when you were born! In astrology this is called the Solar Return. You may wish to find out about your year ahead with the acclaimed Solar Return Report, written by Henry Seltzer, and tailored to your own birth chart. Check it out!

Solar Return Report

solar return birthday astrology report

Your Solar Return Chart is a powerful technique for examining the themes and issues that will arise for you during your solar year - the year that runs from birthday to birthday. Often the turning point represented by your birthday time of the year brings a new phase of your life into existence, and the Solar Return chart helps you to examine this new perspective on your life and what your year may bring.

Includes a colorful chart with complete interpretations of zodiac signs, planetary positions and aspects.

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