Aquarius Horoscope for September 2017

Aquarius Horoscope for September 2017

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another wild and wooly month for you, Aquarius, with communicative outreach and relationship a focus, with the ups and downs of idealism versus misunderstanding an important part of the picture. Stemming from the month of August, punctuated by the powerful solar eclipse of its final weeks, you have had a fascination with the potential as well as the limitations of partnership interaction. A fresh start is indicated. The first week of September brings these issues up with a bang, especially on the 3rd and the 6th. This perhaps includes confusion around shared resources, as well as ideals of self-definition and connection with others. You have at this time a strong love of learning and an intention toward greater communicative outreach as a soul-level commitment. It is vital that you fully explore your intuitive understanding of who you truly are, and allow your relationship activity and outer-world agenda to follow suit.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Samuel Reynolds; visit him at Unlock Astrology :

We usually only learn to walk by crawling and stumbling along. It’s a good thing that we’ve probably forgotten how many times we landed face-first. Otherwise, we’d all be embittered before we were fully out of diapers. Remember that as you face various setbacks, doubts, or disconnects now.

Perhaps you’re feeling the aftermath of August’s Leo-Aquarius eclipses. Although you don’t have to go fearing the worse, there could be a tendency to think more about what you’ve lost, or how you’ve experienced hurt, than the upside of positive changes you might ultimately experience.

Fortunately, Mercury spins out of his retrograde funk on the 5th, to straighten out, and then, finally, on the 19th when it escapes its retrograde shadow. If you’ve been out of tune with dear ones or strangers, then you may be about to strike a better chord with them. It’s important, however, to own up where you’ve been in the wrong, and not to let pride or self-righteousness get in the way of solid reflection, or accepting someone’s genuine remorse.

In fact, you may need to be careful with how you could catch or lob angry words. That’s especially true around the time quick Mercury teams up with edgy Mars on the 3rd and then again on the 16th.

Instead, you can put concrete ideas into action to shore up ways you might have experienced loss. Perhaps you do need to get a case for the cell phone you’ve now dropped for the fifth time. Or you should update an important insurance policy. The resources of others might come into play at the very least as food for thought.

To be sure the Pisces Full Moon on the 6th gives you spiritual sustenance, while the Virgo New Moon on the 19th makes for chances to bolster your finances and savings. You’re prodded to trim away waste and debt. You might also try being more creative about how you earn your money. Perhaps you need to invest in yourself and your skills, as well, and tune deeply into what motivates you at soul level.

Jupiter’s last month in your Libra ninth house of higher mind and travel might correspond to your taking classes or broadening your skill set. Or perhaps you will benefit by getting greater perspective on your life with a trip abroad. It’s also possible that you might evaluate and expand your philosophy and outlook on life. It is good to avoid thinking too narrowly.

The brilliant Sun, grand Jupiter and inventive Uranus could help you with that when Jupiter and Uranus face off to on the First Quarter Moon of the 27th to spell out opportunities for greater understanding and knowledge, particularly with thorny subjects or materials that have been difficult for you to crack. The open-faced Sun having entered your ninth house on the 22nd, you are bound to feel more confident about what you already know or need to know. You will possibly have more clarity where there has been fogginess, and brilliance where there has been hesitation.

When Pluto lifts away from his retrograde, on the 28th, the forward motion could feel jarring at first. You are tuning in more deeply to inner process at this time, and the ultimate outcome could amount to anew lease on life by including unconscious parts of yourself more completely into the picture. Of course, there’s always the chance that you could stumble. But that’s when you get up and dust yourself off. And keep on going, just as you’ve done many times before.

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