Aquarius Horoscope for April 2019

Aquarius Horoscope for April 2019

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another intriguing month for you, Aquarius, posing strange questions. Your career focus is there all right, but you are currently coming at it from an entirely different angle. As you extend your curiosity to your future prospects for constructive self-expression, the subject matter that intrigues you most at this time, rather than expanding outward, takes you inward toward hidden places within your psyche. The recent Mercury Retrograde has undermined your most common sense of grounding; yet a new one is available – if you have the courage to go for it – when you close your eyes to see intuitively what you have deep inside yourself. For this journey, even though it runs counter to the grain of consensus thinking, all your logic must be thrown out the window. Your true values are illusive, as also is finding the will to dig down far enough to reveal them clearly to your inner gaze. And yet articulating your deepest truth has never been more vital to your continued evolution.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

April features a powerful series of transits from the sign of Pisces in your second house of money, resources, and values to the sign of Sagittarius in your eleventh house of friends, allies, and groups. Starting on April 2nd, Mercury will conjoin Neptune in Pisces and then square Jupiter in Sagittarius by April 12th. On April 10th, Venus in Pisces will conjoin Neptune and then also square Jupiter in Sagittarius by April 15th. Both sequences point to the connection between your money, business, or finances and issues related to friends or groups you belong to. While you may find that beneficial business opportunities, investment strategies, or mutually beneficial exchanges with colleagues or friends are possible right now, you should also be careful of the potential for delusions of grandeur or for the possibility of using others or being used by others for the sake of personal gain.

On April 5th, the New Moon will land in Aries in your third house of the mind, siblings, and your immediate environment. Then, the Sun in Aries will make squares to your ruling planet, Saturn, and Pluto, in Capricorn in your twelfth house of dissolution and self-undoing. The Moon cycle ahead will thus feature a more intense mental or intellectual energy, as well as the potential for a hard-headed or overly rigid approach to whatever challenges you are facing. Don’t feel bad if you need to take time out for deeper thinking or contemplation. It’s a good time to listen to your inner doubts and concerns without trying to ram through things impatiently. You will want to keep in mind that the Full Moon in Libra on April 19th will land in your ninth house of spirituality and the higher mind, calling you to embrace a higher vision of your overall life direction right now, employing a balanced and steady approach to the fiery mental energies of this cycle.

Between April 19th and the 23rd, the Full Moon will bring a moment of fulfillment to this lunation cycle while remaining in the opposite sign from the New Moon, while both Mercury and Venus will enter Aries and conjoin Chiron in your third house, emphasizing the need for learning, growth, and healing both mentally or verbally, as well as within the context of your intimate relationships, as well as with friends, women, and siblings.

At the same time, on April 20th, the Sun will enter your fourth house of home and family and conjoin Uranus in Taurus, until the 23rd, bringing a moment of disruption, clarity, and breakthrough at home or within your family. This is a foundation-shaking event that may be unexpected or energizing, and ultimately liberating.

Finally, between April 25th and 27th, Mars in Gemini in your fifth house of creativity and good fortune will square Neptune in Pisces in your second house of money and resources. This transit may bring unexpected expenses related to your home, family, health, or children, or it may represent the opportunity for financial gain through a new investment strategy. It may also represent the desire to indulge in something that will not nurture you or support you in return. Typically, Mars and Neptune transits will create a kind of “Joan of Arc” energy, calling us to a holy war or higher mission of some kind. In this case, you may be feeling the desire to take a creative or financial risk, or to pursue a higher calling of some kind that may require you to make a substantial investment. Just remember, that it’s also easy to join the rush for fool’s gold during a Mars/Neptune transit, so use your better judgment before rushing into something.

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