Aquarius Horoscope for December 2019

Aquarius Horoscope for December 2019

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another exciting month for you, Aquarius, when the recent New Moon in your sector of societal involvement presages that you will be looking toward your future plans with renewed enthusiasm. As you attempt to visualize where to plug in, in the midst of the current fractious zeitgeist, your friendships and your group affiliations are helping to guide you into new interior convictions about where to place your prospective energies. You have been through the wringer all November with the retrograde of Mercury, and its accompanying introspection, review, and revision. A huge focus on career and profession is still present for you, along with understanding that you must integrate your deepest values as you direct your outer world activity to what really counts. Your inner world continues to speak poignantly to you, and provides an important spiritual and philosophical background to all that you do, so that it is vital that you pay the closest possible attention to what comes to you in this way.

The following was written by our new resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

A New Moon in Sagittarius at the end of November brought to your attention the fresh connections you have made recently, and what these new people are bringing to the table. December wraps up a very busy year that saw you take on many projects and expand your reach within a few varied groups of people and communities. Jupiter transiting in Sagittarius for most of 2019 has given you the ability to connect with a lot more like-minded folks, which in turn generated novel ideas, exciting projects, and most importantly lots of laughter. Jupiter will be leaving Sagittarius on December 2nd, entering the sign of Capricorn and signaling a period of consolidation for you. Jupiter in Capricorn for the next year is an invitation to clean out the clutter in your life and make space for the new structures that need more stability to emerge. Roles and responsibilities that are starting to feel overly burdensome will become obvious in the next several months, and Jupiter in Capricorn will help you sort out the wheat from the chaff in these matters. Beliefs, philosophies, and ideas that have lost their meaning or clouded your perspective will be sorted out. In some ways, Jupiter entering Capricorn is your invitation to return to the essential and get grounded in what you want to be doing as opposed to what you think you should be doing.

On December 10, your ruler Saturn is conjunct Venus in Capricorn. You could feel the need for stronger commitments and presence from your loved ones or within your relationships. Venus and Saturn together can also simply represent a time when you are able to combine duty and pleasure, work and leisure in a totally organic way.
The Full Moon in Gemini arrives on December 11th illuminating the landscape around romance, creativity, and your children (which could be metaphorical or literal). What is burgeoning here has been a long arduous process and it didn’t come for free. Allow yourself the downtime to relax, go see a movie, a concert, find your people. This is an exciting Full Moon with the possibility of inner dialog that helps you to your way forward, so that you benefit from pleasant and light conversations, a good evening to get a few friends together and play cards or whatever else you like to do for fun.

Mars transiting in your tenth house in Scorpio all month should give you plenty of stamina and discipline to get your work done. Be mindful of the ways in which you assert yourself especially around the 18th and the 22nd of December when Mars sextiles Saturn and Pluto consecutively. Power, dominance, and self-assertion are indicated. You might have to contend with people who are trying to control a situation or it could also be that you become aware of a powerful drive for authority or dominance that underlines your interaction. Either way you look at it, it is best to approach these few days with self-awareness.

On December 20th, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, money, pleasure, and many other lovely things, enters your sign for the rest of the month. Everyone loves it when Venus graces them with her presence. Venus in Aquarius can signify a period when it becomes easier for you to connect with others, increase your desire for relationship and love, and the need to infuse your days with more pleasure and beauty. Soak it in!

The Winter Solstice arrives the very next day with the Sun entering Capricorn joining Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto who are already there. Capricorn season for you, Aquarius, signifies a time of contemplation and gestation before the Sun enters your sign in one more month. These last few weeks of December could find you feeling nostalgic about your loved ones and about the good old days. It’s important that you do not totally isolate yourself during this time even though you could feel a need for quiet time and solitude to charge your batteries.

A very potent Solar Eclipse takes place in Capricorn late on December 25th and the Sun will conjoin Jupiter in Capricorn the very next day; the end of December comes with its fair share of surprises for everybody and for you, Aquarius, it could be more of an internal process than an external reset. Before 2019 draws to a close, you could have a few revelations around your inner workings that will allow you to push beyond your comfort zone in the year to come. Take the space that you need to process the incoming epiphanies, but more importantly be gentle to yourself during this time.

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