Aquarius Horoscope for January 2019

Aquarius Horoscope for January 2019

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is an intense one for you, Aquarius, as you continue to be very focused on inner over outer investigations and changes. It may also be in the cards for you during this new month and year that this inward exploration leads to outer success of a novel and very different kind. With the Solar Eclipse of January 5th, a massing of planets in the twelfth sector of your chart, corresponding to hidden places within you and unconscious process, to the extent that you can open to it, presages better understanding of yourself in these deeper levels of your being. A spiritually nourishing and nature-oriented worldview is emerging into your awareness.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy New Year, Aquarius!
This month features two eclipses, one in Leo and one in Capricorn, plus a long lineup of transits through Capricorn, corresponding twelfth of unconscious process and inner work, starting with a Sun/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn on January 1st, followed by a powerful Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on January 5th. This brings you almost forcibly to the hidden depths of your personality which in fact underlies everything that you say and do. Later, a Sun/Pluto conjunction takes place in Capricorn on January 10th, and finally there is a square from Mars in Aries to Saturn in Capricorn on January 21st.
There is therefore an emphasis on your own inner world that represents a powerful motif for you this month, and which has been an underground theme for weeks. The Capricornian emphasis really began in December of 2017, when Saturn entered Capricorn and moved into your twelfth house. Now you will be receiving eclipses in this house for the next year, plus Saturn will be moving into a conjunction with Pluto in your twelfth house next winter. All of these events suggest that you are moving through a liminal space right now. The twelfth house is a world between worlds. It often represents the beginning of the end of something, or a time in life when you are laboring through your own shadows, facing your own demons, or distancing yourself from something toxic or outworn prior to starting a new phase in life. Whatever the case might be, the fruits of the twelfth house are many. Your awareness of suffering and the capacity for compassion and empathy may greatly increase, you might be learning that you are more comfortable being alone than you thought you were, or that you are ready to evolve beyond an old and outworn image of yourself in the world. Though these realizations are sometimes challenging and painful, they are also an integral part of your personal and spiritual growth right now.

On January 8th, Mercury in Capricorn will square Mars in Aries in your third house of the mind, learning, communication, and siblings, and then between January 12th and 13th, Mercury will conjoin Saturn in Capricorn in the twelfth house. It’s important to honor your doubts right now. They are here to help you triangulate in on the truth. However, you should also be careful of severe or rigid thinking as it could easily embroil you in unnecessary conflict.

On January 13th, just as the Sun and Moon come into the square alignment of the First Quarter Moon, Jupiter in Sagittarius in your eleventh house of friends and groups will square Neptune in Pisces in your second house of money and resources. Venus in Sagittarius is also perfecting a trine to Mars in Aries in your third house of the mind, communication, and siblings on January 17th. You are being inspired to communicate your values more openly and honestly among your friends or within the groups of people or the organizations you belong to. There is a window here for deeper alignment, a deeper and more fulfilling use of your time, money, energy, and resources, with groups of people who share similar visions and aspirations. However, the shadow of this transit is the temptation to find only the most superficial and frivolous things in common with others, to waste the best of what you have on causes that aren’t aligned with your highest good. The good news is that with Mercury and Saturn moving together through practical Capricorn during this time, you should be able to see the difference very clearly and make the right choice when it comes to allocating your time and energy.

On the late evening of January 20th, a powerful Lunar Eclipse falls into the sign of Leo in your seventh house of relationships. This is the last of a long series of eclipses you have been receiving in the house of love and relationships over the past year and a half. Sometimes this means that your partner or spouse has been going through a difficult or intense transformational growth period, or sometimes it means that your relationships themselves have been the staging ground for deeper personal growth work, and sometimes both. On the other hand, if you are single, eclipses in this house still carry deep teachings about who we are and what we must learn about ourselves through the mirror of relationships. Do you need one or not' Are you okay alone' How do you show up in relationships and is it drastically different from how you are independent of them' There is one last big wave of energy coming through this area of your life, perhaps bringing these questions to a boiling point.

Then, on January 22nd, Venus conjoins Jupiter in Sagittarius in your eleventh house of friends, social circles, groups, and wishes or hopes for the future. This is an auspicious transit, bringing joy, benefits, and happiness through friends and allies. It may indicate the start of your association with a new group of friends or a new collaborative vision or project, or it might indicate that you are starting to find friendships that are more deeply aligned with your values and dreams. As usual with Venus and Jupiter, be careful of overdoing things or of extravagance and opportunism. Your real friends are generally those whose priorities are aimed beyond selfish interests and toward the benefit of everyone!

With a new year upon us, now is a wonderful time to receive personalized astrological wisdom for your year ahead with a transit report.

What does 2019 have in store for you?

2019 forecast astrology report
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It's been a very interesting, transformative year, and 2019 is sure to hold many more surprises and mysteries. Thankfully, the wisdom of astrology can help us all prepare for and navigate life with more grace and ease. See what's in store for you with a personalized astrological transit 2019 Forecast Report.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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