Aquarius Horoscope for October 2020

Aquarius Horoscope for October 2020

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather intense month for you, Aquarius, with dramas of exchange of ideas, and of learning, related to both your public and your private sphere. You are taking ancient wounding into account as you communicate in a manner that goes far beyond the intellectual, and leaning into your inner world in an almost graphically sensual manner. This is just as this sensitive and subtle realm is moving in unusual directions. Your work in the world – and also your basic belief systems – are under review and, ultimately, revision, especially over the second half of the month following the beginning of the Mercury Retrograde period and the Libra New Moon of October 16th. You are continuing to explore your depths, and reviewing your options, seeking a better match between inner and outer. You are feeling into a powerful instinct for action consistent with your evolving worldview, as you attempt to arrive at a decision process that is logical in a larger sense than simplistic rationality would seem to dictate.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of October opens with a Full Moon in Aries shining her light on your exchanges, the ways in which you have been utilizing social-media, and more extensively how you communicate with your entourage. You may have become increasingly aware of the compulsive ways in which you utilize the internet and felt the need to reevaluate your usage. You may also be in the midst of a big written project and it could be time to take stock of where you are before you can proceed ahead. The Full Moon may also simply bring to light your immediate surroundings, the back and forth you make everyday to get to work, and questions surrounding efficiency. You could feel the pressure of a time constraint while also needing to apply yourself diligently. The Full Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron may also bring up recent communication issues to be resolved. If there has been bickering and arguments in your exchanges, it may be time to address it. In summary, your motivations for doing something may be changing and it's a good time to acknowledge where you stand.

Venus enters Virgo on October 2nd where she brings questions of shared resources and intimate partnerships. These are thmes that already started to surface since the recent New Moon in Virgo from mid-September. You may have good reasons right now to keep your collaborators close at hand with the benefits outweighing the drawbacks. Venus in Virgo could bring support from someone who cares about you.

Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on October 7th, which brings up a work versus home scenario that might be in need of adjustments. There could be a destabilizing factor at home that keeps you away from fulfilling your career obligations, and with Mercury about to station retrograde you might be forced to rethink the equilibrium between your home life and your career goals. Time constraints and daily routine continues to come up, in the days leading to the Last Quarter Moon in Cancer on the 9th. This is a somewhat confusing time, when you are aware of hidden dimensions to your inner experience. This second weekend of October could find you juggling career responsibilities, partners, children, and personal projects. Your ambitions could be catching up with you forcing you to prioritize.

Mercury officially stations retrograde in Scorpio on the 13th and will be moving retrograde until November 3rd, or even two weeks later into mid-November, when you take the retrograde shadow into account. It may be time to apply a strategic approach to your goals and priorities. That is to say, what needs to happen now versus what can be put on hold for the time being. The desires of a partner may also be influencing your decisions, so that you might not be able to ignore that side of the equation.

The New Moon in Libra on October 16th represents a powerful reset for you. Your desire for greater autonomy might be on the increase, and there could be new forms wanting to emerge. The intentions and visions you have for yourself at this time may take a while to unfold but they could be quite significant in the years to come. You might be at a crossroad contemplating decisions that could change the trajectory of your life. It is not a time to shy away from what is trying to emerge in your life, and what you envision for yourself. With the New Moon squaring Saturn and Pluto in combination, the weight of your intentions at this time could carry you further than you think. This Libra New Moon hints at a teaching or educational journey that would bring you greater responsibilities, which you are now ready to assume.

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22nd joining Mercury Retrograde and bringing even more emphasis on your vocational direction. You work, your goals, and your ambitions might increase over the next month, as the Sun transits here. Mercury joins the Sun on October 25th and this may signal you clarifying your objectives. You benefit from staying open to insights or important messages coming in around the end of the month. Venus enters Libra on October 27th and will bring a supportive trine to your sign through mid-November.

The Full Moon in Taurus on October 31st takes place in your home sector. It’s an exciting Full Moon conjoined Uranus which brings an innovative edge to your home base. Something exciting could be culminating in connection with your home life and there may likely be some cause for celebration.

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