Aquarius Horoscope for July 2023

Aquarius Horoscope for July 2023

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another interesting month of finding your way forward in the face of uncertainty, Aquarius. You are involved with your depths and with the further development of your own unique creative self-expression as you strive to match this to what is going on deep inside you. Pluto, continuing to hover at the edge of your sign, implies that the metamorphosis of your very sense of identity remains ongoing. The Gemini New Moon from last month highlighted Neptune in your second solar sector of values and resources, instilling July with a degree of mystery, while the July 3rd Full Moon in Capricorn builds on that by emphasizing inner over outer and encouraging your process of unconscious wisdom. Partners in your life are another key, possessing their own deep connection to your intended path. You are integrating what is below the surface layers of your psyche with your more ordinary day-to-day existence. The mid-month Cancer New Moon of the 17th brings fresh energy that embraces your learning curve toward your mission of service and stirs you to action. As you head into August, with Venus retrograding in your opposite sign of Leo, all your relationships are additionally subject to questioning and reinvention.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

Last month's Gemini New Moon in your self-expression, children, and joy sector has likely sparked an influx of creative concepts, conversations, and social or romantic connections. This New Moon also closely aspected numinous Neptune in your sector of resources and values including your financial resources, and as well transformational Pluto. While you may have been stimulated by all the seeds being sown, continuing into the current month, you also may be feeling worried or confused about your finances and where to place your vibrant energy. The story of what you are truly up to evolves through the first half of July, with the metamorphosis of issues of identity and of your own inner world contributing, and your domestic scene emerging as an additional factor contributing to the way that you are resourced, your capacity to create, and how you may freely revel in the joy of life.

July also opens with Mercury's solar rebirth in Cancer connecting your reals of productivity and day-to-day events and environment as well as to your home and family sector through a sextile to Jupiter in Taurus. This may herald a revitalized focus on your daily work and health schedules. You might be particularly adept at juggling all the moving pieces, with increased productivity directed to household tasks, parental responsibilities, renovations, or working from home.

The square from Venus in Leo to Uranus in Taurus from the 1st to the 3rd offers that a structural reorganization around family and roots, possibly via changes that were thrust upon you, and may support greater freedom and personal involvement in the way that you relate to others. This might connect to kids growing up, new cohabiting relationships, or an unexpected development in your partner's life. You may also be reconsidering approaches to monogamy, gender expression, or your sexuality. While this transit might have you feeling caged by the mundane or even tempted by another, it also supports breaking out of old relating habits and the daily grind to reignite passions and fun within existing partnerships or getting out of the house and meeting someone new, aided by Venus' applying conjunction to Mars.

The Capricorn Full Moon takes place on July 3rd in your sphere of the subconscious, calling in part for rest and retreat. Ruled by Saturn, currently travelling in your resources sector, this lunation reminds you that your internal world, including your psychological, spiritual, and emotional health, are the inner resources that support your outer ambitions. New creative projects might now require substantial behind-the-scenes work but could be financially rewarding. This lunation supports practical approaches to more intangible parts of yourself, possibly by scheduling time to meditate, journal, or connect to your spiritual nature. The Moon's trine to Jupiter in Taurus indicates this process will bolster your participation in the home sphere and may include exploration of your ancestry or intergenerational healing. Pluto's recent retrograde into this sector of your chart suggests topics arising at this lunation may have significant history behind them, possibly illuminating subconscious patterns related to productivity, pleasure, and self-worth or issues around estrangement or illness.

Mars enters Virgo on July 10th, signaling a thrust of energy into your sector of shared assets, investments, and intimacy. You may be getting down to details financially, possibly related to contracts, division of assets, or new collaborative projects. This ingress may also signal an increased focus on your sexuality or the deepening of interpersonal bonds.

Mercury also changes signs this same day, entering your opposite sign of Leo. Mercury's opposition to Pluto as it leaves Cancer, crossing the descendant of your solar chart, could shed light on relational patterning that needs revision. Perhaps there have been ways that you have felt safe but have kept you in stagnancy. Penetrating conversations with partners could provide deep insight or see more informed truth come to light. Mercury's entrance into Leo might feel particularly dynamic possibly aligning with an increased mental focus on intimate, collaborative, or business partnerships.

The Cancer New Moon arrives on July 17th, and initiates a new cycle of growth in the realms of the day-to-day. A square from Mercury in Leo to Jupiter in Taurus suggests that whatever is emerging is supported and connected to growth on a foundational and familial level. This might relate to shared goals with a partner or collaborator, possibly regarding real estate, children, cohabiting, or a project you are working on at home. This lunation reiterates the connection between inner and outer health. This New Moon might also bring up habits of emotional avoidance or override connected to expectations around productivity, responsibility, or caretaking.

The North and South Lunar Nodes are shifting into Aries and Libra in the timing of this lunation. The influence of this nodal shift, combined with Chiron's station the following week on July 23rd, could open a space for integration around wounding related to self-advocacy, intellectual or spiritual autonomy, or neurodivergence through a continued exploration into your mental patterning, new learning pursuits, or connecting to others with shared experience.

On July 20th, Mars in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces. This might emerge as a standoff related to money, assets, or misaligned values, and could relate to delays, contractual disagreements, debt, or shared purchases that push the limits of your budget. It may be that the collaborative work you are involved with requires an unsustainable level of financial or energetic investment or that you are dividing assets after a breakup. Fears related to scarcity or trust could arise, which may restrict your capacity to bond and share intimately with others. While activating, this transit supports responsible approaches to resources that might help you manage finances or energize and sustain shared ventures.

Leo season begins on July 22nd as the Sun moves into your relationship sector, the same day Venus stations to retrograde motion. The Sun's opposition to Pluto as he leaves Cancer might illuminate shadows related to your projections and expectations for others or reflect a shift in your identity within a relationship.

Venus' retrograde lasts for six weeks and may provide a meaningful time of reorientation, reflection, and experimentation within the landscape of love, partnership, close friendship, and collaboration. This process could ask you to clarify the kinds of relationships you want and how you want to receive love and feel seen by another. You might be deepening, making changes, or ending an existing relationship. The return of past connections could also facilitate closure or prompt reconsideration. Regarding your relationships consider this a period of reflection rather than action, as you may continue to change your mind as your circumstances and understanding evolve.

Mercury's square to Uranus in Taurus indicates that while changes could feel destabilizing, they are also generative. This process requires radical honesty, with yourself and then others, which might aid in creating more authentic connections by liberating you from long-established modes of relating. Conversations about shared values, caretaking, and expectations related to roles and the division of labor within the home may also offer practical solutions.

Mercury forms a conjunction with retrograde Venus in Leo on July 27th before entering Virgo or your sector of shared assets. Sparks might be flying within romantic or creative connections. You might be particularly eloquent with partners, so it’s a good time to tell your loved ones how much you appreciate them. This transit also reminds you to listen; if you are experiencing conflict, heartfelt conversation may help facilitate closure, compromise, or harmony.

July has been a time when you meet yourself in other, and when the realm relationality has taken center stage. A continued process of release, review, and reorientation at the internal and foundational level over the coming weeks will open new possibilities for deep connectedness and help you identify and advocate for your values, desires, and needs.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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