Aquarius Horoscope for March 2023

Aquarius Horoscope for March 2023

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of deep-diving, Aquarius, and for uncovering your most sincere principles. Your finances and other resources are an additional focus, along with your psychological roots and existing worldview. Everything that is currently in the dark concerning where your true values lie, and where your interior moral compass needle points, will be emerging into fuller consciousness. You may discover that your work in the world must match these internal valuations in order to be fully satisfying. The Full Moon of March 7th is a powerful juncture for issues of self and other; partnership agreements could emerge for consideration. Exploring intimacy with self and with others includes greater consciousness surrounding inner wounding – potentially those inhibiting your most natural actions. The Moon’s Last Quarter of the 14th brings possibly tense adjustments to the reality of what is going for you regarding inner versus outer, as well as financial commitments. With the Aries New Moon of March 21st, and the days following, when Pluto enters your sign, further transformation is indicated. The next few years represent a tectonic shift in your very identity and your sense of yourself. This as you move further into your foreordained evolutionary development.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent New Moon in Pisces from February 19th and 20th continues to unfold throughout the month of March in the part of your chart that relates to your resources, your values, and what you have to work with. You could be rethinking the ways you manage your finances and feel compelled to adjust your cost of living in order to profit in the long run. Your sense of self-worth and your values can also come into greater focus this month after an extended period of introspection. You may be arriving at a point where a sacrifice you have been making is not worth the cost anymore whether this is an energetic or literal investment. There are important changes in the skies this month and for you, some of these changes might have to do with re-evaluating how much you give versus how much you receive. March could be an integrative month yet you may also have to negotiate or navigate communications with others differently to get the results that you seek.

From the 1st to the 3rd, Venus and Jupiter in Aries shine brightly together in the Western skies at dusk in the Northern Hemisphere at the beginning of the month. This awe-inspiring conjunction takes place in the part of your chart that relates to information, ideas, and the way you share these with your entourage. Venus and Jupiter also form an alignment with Chiron throughout this first week which relates to healing and offers support for a conversation that could need to happen. Mercury forms a conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius on the 2nd and 3rd which may highlight issues around controlled speech and self-censorship versus a need to speak your truth. After meeting with Saturn, Mercury leaves Aquarius for the intuitive waters of Pisces which might diffuse some of the resolutions you’ve felt.

The Full Moon arrives on March 7th in the sign of Virgo which takes place in the part of your chart that relates to your shared resources, intimate and business partnerships, and the agreements you have with others. This Full Moon may highlight the give and take of current partnerships and the support you receive from others or the lack thereof. You could feel to a certain extent that you can only rely on yourself at this time even if you are well-surrounded and it might be hard to pinpoint exactly what you need from others.

Saturn enters Pisces on the same day which signals the beginning of a two-year cycle of restructuring in the part of your chart that relates to your resources, your autonomy, and more extensively your sense of self-worth and values. Your desire to give and possess may become emphasized in the following years which in turn should help you understand and integrate these motivations more consciously in the long run.

The Sun and Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces around the middle of March, centered on the 14th, while also forming a square with Mars in Gemini. This alignment may bring a greater propensity for pleasure and indulgence mid-month and highlight the giving or self-sacrificing side of your nature. Your desire to have fun at this time could override your resolutions, especially around money or your sense of self-worth but it might also be a very creative and inspired period when you can let go of rigidity or control in the name of pleasure.

From the 15th through the 17th, Venus in Aries forms a square with Pluto in Capricorn while entering Taurus on the 16th. This aspect could highlight obsessive thinking or behaviors related to control that may be surfacing into your awareness at this time.

Your thinking could become increasingly sharper in the later part of the month thanks to Mercury’s entry into Aries. The Sun follows suit and enters Aries on the 20th which signals the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the return of the light.

The New Moon in Aries takes place on March 21st and brings fresh energy to your communication sector so that this coming cycle may increase your verbal exchanges with others. A huge line-up six planets counting Eris indicates that there is loads of activity in this area of curiosity and learning, writing and communicating, with a sense of delving into emotional truth and deep-seated interior values that also connects to career initiatives.

One of the most important ingresses of the year occurs when Pluto leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on the 23rd. Pluto will spend the next 20 years transiting in your sign which signals the beginning of a gradual transformation in relation to your sense of self. Pluto in Aquarius for the next two decades will focus your awareness on deeply held instinctual patterns that are ready to be outgrown that could gradually reshape your personality.

Mars enters the sign of Cancer on the 25th after an extended eight-month journey through the sign of Gemini. Mars in Cancer could bring attention to your health and routine, compelling you to increasingly adopt better habits that lead to health and wellness.

The end of the month closes with a host of aspects that could bring progress in your domestic life. It may be easier to implement changes at the end of March especially if you’ve been looking to upgrade your surroundings.

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